Reviews for The Ritual
aradia1967 chapter 12 . 4/21/2019
please update this story I really want to find out what happens next I think the plot of this story is really great
Kenn.Faith.Dawn chapter 12 . 8/27/2018
fantastic story I love it please update soon i'm looking forward to reading what happens next
LoverOfRedheads chapter 12 . 7/1/2018
So is it safe to assume this story is dead?
mumphie chapter 12 . 2/10/2018
Time to finish?
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 12 . 9/10/2017
A great story here so far! Looking forwards to reading more!
NoNeedForAName chapter 12 . 9/10/2017
You posted 9 stories on this site, only two of which are listed as complete. that is just 22%. please, before you start another story, complete the ones that you have already posted.
Gellert99 chapter 12 . 9/1/2017
Great story. It's a pity I missed it for such a long time. I just hope you won't abandon it, now where I found it.
Gin110881 chapter 12 . 5/3/2017
I had hoped that they would have to repeat the last part of the ritual to destroy a Horcrux. Obviously, Harry's own Sword of Gryffindor is not up to the task.

Joking apart, thank you so much for another great chapter.
Even though it will take some time, I'm fairly sure that Harry will learn to behave according to his age...someday. At least he's on the way...
Gin110881 chapter 8 . 5/3/2017
I really like your Ginny. Harry can count himself lucky that she's taking the lead. I'm afraid the Potter line would die out if Ginny would wait for Harry to take over. At least he behaves like a fifteen-year-old now. Hope springs eternal...

Otherwise, it's a great story. I love it.
Gin110881 chapter 4 . 5/2/2017
It's really fun to read the story. However, I must admit that I'm a bit confused about Harry. Is he really eighteen? While Ginny behaves like an almost seventeen-year-old, Harry behaves more like a twelve-year-old.
Harrypotterpercyjacksonfan90 chapter 12 . 2/12/2017
Very interesting story so far please post again soon!
Lord Otello chapter 12 . 12/23/2016
Great! I'm wondering how you'll end it all, :P GL
heathw chapter 12 . 12/18/2016
I like your story. It's a fun little jaunt. I feel the need to point out one , shall I call it a discrepancy? The magically significant numbers discussed for numbers of Horcruxes are the same as a group of significant numbers found in math, science and nature (and yes, even in "magic" of a great many cultures) : Prime Numbers. Nine would not apply. 1, 3, 7, 13, 17, 19...on and on.
Just a note. Looking forward to the next chapter.
FinalKingdomHearts chapter 12 . 12/17/2016
I look forward to the next chapter.
nesciamema chapter 12 . 12/17/2016
Wonder how long it'll take to find nagini.
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