Reviews for The Lion, The Snake and The Stone
Not Sophie chapter 23 . 7/5
Hot damn, this is probably one of, if not THE best AU for any fandom that I've ever read! I look forward to the next one!
I love love love all of the characterizations of all of yours and JKR's characters, in this one and The Path Not Tread. I see a lot of fics that fall into the trap of making their characters boringly perfect, but you made both Snapes and Potters into the complex characters that they're supposed to be.
I also love what you've done with Hermione, changing her role just a tiny bit but not diminishing it in the least. The "defer" slips were hilarious btw
You are an amazingly talented writer and I hope you keep giving us, the HP fandom, amazing gifts like your AU.
Blu chapter 1 . 8/19/2018
I loved this story so much! Please continue with Evan and Harry’s second year! As much as I love the path not tread, this series was much more fun! Pleaae update soon! Thanks!
slugfighter chapter 6 . 10/15/2017
Time to geek out!

"mandatory Culture classes: Muggle Culture for those who showed below-average knowledge of the Muggle world, and Wizard Culture for those with below-average knowledge of the wizarding world."

OK, if this reform were implemented as described here, it would fall victim to the same problem that afflicts some IRL "English as a Second Language" classes in the USA: Namely, that some children are cognitively weak and cannot achieve an "average" score on tests of any language, even their native one. Thus some ESL programs inadvertently trap children who were born in the USA and who are native speakers of English and who speak English better than they speak any other language...but who still don't score "average" even on a test of English grammar and vocabulary. Because, as most people recognize from the SAT-V, a test of grammar and vocabulary in your native language measures general language ability and general intellectual ability. And some individuals are cognitively weak. (Seriously, check the stats: Over half of the USA's "long-term ESL" high school students were born there-2nd and 3rd generation Americans who consider English their native language.)

Similarly, these "culture" tests as you've described them sound like for example the "Comprehension" subtest on the Wechsler Intelligence Scales. Obviously they do measure cultural literacy, so if the culture is not your own then a low score merely shows you lack knowledge of that other culture. But this sort of test applied to one's *native* culture...reduces again to a test mostly of general intelligence.

Some children will score "below average" on both. (Think of canon Crabbe and Goyle.) You absolutely *will* have overlap.

But! This could be solved by assigning children to whichever class whose corresponding test they had scored worse on.

Another issue: Giving some kids writing materials they are not used to using and others materials that they *are* used to using will also bias the results. I might be extra aware of this since my scores on my school's timed math tests went from 50-60% to 100% the day I got glasses. I had been spending nearly all the allotted time just struggling to make out the questions-they weren't testing my *math knowledge* at all.

Similarly, if some kids are forced to spend a lot of the allotted time struggling to make their writing materials work, while others don't even have to think about how they're'll defeat your original purpose of measuring their *cultural knowledge*. (Giving *everyone* an unfamiliar writing implement will cause the tests to load *even more* on general intelligence-"quickness to learn use of the new implement." Giving *some* but not *all* an unfamiliar implement, as you've described, will make it more g-loaded for some than others. Neither is what you want if you're trying to test their pre-existing knowledge.)

On another topic:

"Voldemort was able to get so many followers only because it's such a hip thing to think that Muggles and people with Muggle heritage are beneath everyone else."

Yes! I think you're absolutely right. So many fanficcers portray Voldemort's rise as, like, "The rise of obvious uncool evil"-I doubt it. It's based on Nazism, which arose in a cultural environment in which antisemitism was "cool." So I bet the rise of Voldemort would've happened in an environment where looking down on Muggles was "cool," too. (I mean, you still see some of that attitude in canon in Harry Potter's time.)
Guest chapter 12 . 8/22/2017
you're explaining too much. some things several times in much the same words, but even without those. I appreciate introspective characters, but the introspection either needs to puctuate the action, or go into a martin eden/the idiot direction. also, descriptions of the difference between this book and the original would be better shorter, interspersed with dialogue, but mostly resulting from action. it's like you're doing a behind the scenes on your plot
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
hey. so you've mentioned stephan liking - potions and arithmancy and then potions and ancient runes. also he was humble, again humblem, then proud.
Blu chapter 23 . 6/21/2017
When is the new story going to be up? I swear i've been checking your account every day . Pleaaaasee do update soon and put us off our misery!
darklordashes chapter 1 . 5/2/2017
Really nice story. love lily and snape. It's kinda tragic on harry but that bastard attacking 4 on 1, you just loose all the sympathy. How come Snape hasn't taught his boy duelling and defending spells?. something I noticed that when Mary and James are harrys parents u don't feel so bad for their deaths. pls bring more lily and snape in the story. after reading so much about scar head I just want to say pls make this a more Evan Snape story. Again just love Snape and lily together, they are the best couple around. I dunno if you intended to make it that way but I really hate this harry he is such a bastard and the ginger is the worst.
thanks for writing and sharing this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/7/2017
"quick to anger but even quicker to forgive"

Are you sure you're talking about Lily Evans? I think she is the forgive but not forget type, unless she is crossed too many times in which case, woe betide the person who crosses her.
MrsFH chapter 23 . 3/16/2017
What a lovely story. Thank you for sharing.

I hope you don't mind a little grammar critique. There are many grammar and word use errors in this story. Most are likely typos, but one word was consistently misused. The word "peak" means a mountain, hill, or other raised area (like the peaks in whipped cream). The word "pique" means to be annoyed or upset (as in a fit of pique). And the word "peek" means a quick look (peek-a-boo, or to peek around a corner). You used "peak" for all of those purposes.

Overall your new characters were excellent, and the story was very well written. I am hoping for more in a series! Thanks again for sharing.
Blu chapter 23 . 3/13/2017
This was wondeful! Thank you for this amazing retelling.. Cant wait for the chamber of secrets! This is honestly the best retelling ive read in all of fanfic.
trebeh chapter 23 . 3/13/2017
Thanks for taking the time to write this story; it was awesome! I loved your portrayals of both boys.
badkidoh chapter 23 . 3/13/2017
Great chapter.

Although I wonder if Evan trying to stab Voldemort will come back to haunt him in the future or if Voldemort will admire his tenacity. Also I do wonder about Severus Standing with Voldemort and if Severus usefulness and talents are such that Voldemort will over look the married to a muggle-born thing, I mean in cannon Voldemort did try to get James and Lily to join the death-eaters so their a precedent for Voldemort overlooking blood-status for usefulness and talent.

Also I don't really like when stories make horcruxes more widely know. Also I guess it would be a good idea to keep in mind Voldemort is the first and only to make multiple horcruxes, possible with him inventing/reinventing some of the spell work to make more then one, so they should at first suspect that the Diary is the only horcrux for a time. Also I guess if information on horcruxes got out a lot of dark magic users would be cheating death and others.

Also nice work on Nicholas flamel.
JLdark chapter 23 . 3/12/2017
Fantastic chapter! A great closure for everyone in a way, they did their best with what they could, even if that left some repercussions for them, like the nightmares and the punishment from the adults, there is something I look forward for the next installment, the birthday party for Evan and how Hermione and interact with him. By they it seem that Severus and Sirius need to control themselves in front of the kids, it seems to me that it showed an example if what they could become if they keep with their own war.
NessL chapter 23 . 3/12/2017
Very nice chapter! You put a lot of thoughts into your characters and that is very enjoyable.
I've always wondered why Dumbledore appears so careless about some events in the books. I think you explain this very well in this last chapter. He's ready to manipulate anyone for the greater good. Even if doesn't want anyone to get hurt, he'll do what he think need to be done.
I hope to hear from PNT soon as well as the next part of this adventure.
Thank you again for posting it,
JLdark chapter 22 . 3/6/2017
This was amazing! Everything from the action to how the interaction between Evan and Harry! Forced to work together but they did a great job handling Voldemort, by the way that was Evan telling Harry to not lie right? That was clever to tell him the truth. It was fun how Hermione and Evan were talking and before trying to stop the Marauders, she even had to mention the "defer" to Evan, his comment about the Snape men was funny, that was fun. Amazing really even if how they stopped Voldemort; I'm not sure how much trouble Evan will be with Severus and Lily? Well everyone will be in trouble but he and Harry will be the most affected, awesome chapter (is like the fourth time I said that already) I can't wait to read the next chapter, so until the next update.
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