Reviews for Origami
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21
Isn't a "serial killer" kinda moot point in the naruto-verse? AREN'T THEY ALL "serial killers"? Just on a much more MASSIVE scale? They are ALL village's of paid assassins for kami's sake! Kinda REDUNDANT for there to be a serial killer isn't it?.. It should just be one PISSED-OFF individual. (not really any more to it, other then they are REALLY good!) Also why was naruto and tsunade playing the "politics" game? Naruto and jiriyia brought her back to fix the village.. Not sink down and acquiesce to their level! Teach them what A REAL shinobi village means!(politics only work for as long as they ALLOW them too!)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21
There isn't a VOTE for dismissing the hokage... That's just stupid... It's a dictatorship!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21
I don't see this story as very viable... Why wouldn't tsunade just leave with hinata? Why wouldn't she just kill the council? (she has enough power) why would the other villages stay away when they know konoha has no jinchuriki and no real fighters? There are just too many things wrong here... The shinobi world is only about politics up to a point. Then it's all about who has the most personal POWER (and the councils DON'T HAVE ANY) Tsunade isn't known for her "temper" and she couldn't really give two figs about the village itself or the people... So that's something else "wrong here", not to mention that the clan heads are all SUPPOSED to know who naruto really is and they wouldn't do to him for fear that someday it would their own clans in similar positions... The diyamo should also know and not allow any of it (he arranged a hokage, not "leadership by committee").. It makes no sense to "play the long game" for naruto... As I stated, other then to the old and FEEBLE, politics just don't matter that much... More of "requests" then any "rules".
Zabzab chapter 1 . 4/20
Yeah... Naruto was taught how to fold an origami fox too, if the fate of the Hyuuga main branch is anything to go by... It was an interesting little story. Revenge never quite does it for me when the targets are so blindingly stupid and unrepentant but it was well written.

Guest chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
First of all, thank you for killing off Sakura. That was so satisfying. Also, the speech from the elderly clan head was beautiful. This story was an amazing, excellent, enjoyable and satisfying read. Really great stuff!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/1/2017
I just read this, and it is amazing!
Leaf Ranger chapter 1 . 10/7/2017
HOly shit...Hinata is scary. o.O So this whole time it was her, killing all of them off? Unexpected. I was thinking it would be someone else entirely, not Naruto or Hinata.

Still, quite a one shot. Very well done. *nods*
Guest chapter 1 . 10/3/2017
That was clever! I never even suspected the twist until the very, very end.
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 7/10/2017
Em chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
I knew it was her! This was great, thanks for sharing :)
Kairan1979 chapter 1 . 9/18/2016
I certainly enjoyed this tale of retribution. Anyone who agrees with Danzo's policies deserves to be burned with him.
ani.ruthan chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Bravo bro bravo
Naruhinalover20 chapter 1 . 1/30/2016
This was a awesome story i wonder where they will go suna wave or maybe rebuild uzu?
Haibara chapter 1 . 1/30/2016
I liked this very much. It was shocking to see the new Team 7 "get it", but the entire village was filled with jerks...I wonder now what would have happened if the masked shinobi/Hinata had worked Danzo over first or slightly earlier. Would the world have changed a little for the better.

Thanks for an interesting and thrilling read. You've got a new follower!
mech pencil name chapter 1 . 1/27/2016
I enjoyed this tale of retribution. My vindictive side was waiting in glee for the body count to increase. My nice side was a bit sad so many characters became jerks (or worse) that I was happy to see added to the body count. It was sad but needed for the actions taken. The culprit was not a surprise, but I was very happy with the ending. Happy enough I checked to see if you have other stories.