Reviews for Fracking Zombies
Peaches0023 chapter 19 . 7/20
I absolutely love this! I can’t wait for another chapter, and it transitioned very nicely through out the chapter. Do you have any other stories that I can read while I wait for the next chapter?
Crystal Blue Butterfly chapter 17 . 3/11
What the- damn keyboard. e_e
Season 2. Chapter 4.
Crystal Blue Butterfly chapter 18 . 3/11
It's only been two weeks since I started ZN and I'm literally barely in season 4 episode 4, this story has been a very faithful account of the series I could almost feel sarcasm, anger and relief on many occasions to throughout this story! It's almost like watching the episodes again but with something extra.
And, just now because of the COVID-19 pandemic (and isn't this a great irony?) Classes and all kinds of social activities involving many people have been suspended for two weeks in my country (because we are one bad shit dealing with diseases, seriously, we need those weeks) it will give me a lot of time to catch up on the series.
And, like countless other fans of this fandom, 10k is one of my favorite characters. And what the hell is going on with this guy, he's too charismatic, it's almost unfair!
Anyway, great work ! I really like this story;)
I am so happy to have found this great job, I will certainly be looking forward to the next update!
Blue eyed titan99 chapter 18 . 10/18/2019
Please update :)
Crescent.Irene chapter 18 . 5/2/2019
alright i am seriously in love with this story so much! i hope you'll continue this because 10k isn't so out of character and is actually relatable. hope you update soon! 3
pink-moscato chapter 18 . 2/26/2019
I love this story and I really like how the relationship between raven and 10k developed! pls update soon!
Sniper-Z chapter 17 . 1/15/2019
Great character development here! Great ideas and great writing! Excited for more.
Sniper-Z chapter 16 . 1/15/2019
Loved it! Please update soon!
Angel-Peyr chapter 17 . 8/5/2018
Please update!
Its great and I love it
Serra chapter 17 . 7/21/2018
OMG I love this! Please update soon. This story is awesome!
serendeputy chapter 16 . 6/28/2018
Aaaaaa! I read your whole story in two days and I love it! Please please please update. If you need help with editing I have a degree in writing and I’d love to help. I can write grants and research papers like no other but I have the hardest time writing stories- especially long ones like this-I think you’re really talented. Thank you for sharing your story with us! Xxx Kayla
RebornRose1992 chapter 16 . 3/10/2018
omg! i your story is freaking amazing!
Asuka1920 chapter 16 . 2/27/2018
Love reading this!
Can’t wait to read more!
HannahBananasxx chapter 16 . 11/1/2017
No! It can't end there, they were just getting started. Poor 10k.
Guest chapter 16 . 10/6/2017
Really enjoying this story so far! One of the best ones written for Z Nation! Can't wait to read on!
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