Reviews for Glitch
LittleAshes17 chapter 11 . 8/7/2019
Nooo you cant leave it here! Please don't forget about this story, it's unique, intelligent and amazing!
Guest chapter 11 . 8/4/2019
Are you going to update? It’s been 2 yrs. Great story...very different!
Guest chapter 3 . 5/30/2019
The Jetsons house, minus the makeup/hair feature is what we all need yesterday, but with real food from Star Trek, not the capsules the Jetsons had. - bad fairie
Guest chapter 2 . 5/30/2019
Thank you for the 3 laws, glad to see the classics being referenced
joice84 chapter 11 . 5/14/2019
Hii ! Hope this find you health and happy! I know it's have been more than a year, you didn't update, but I wanted give a try, this story is very cool i loved this Edward and think how wonderful would be if we can buy one in store lol, hope you can finish this, is very good to be without an end !
Thanks for write and sorry my English
Red-Emerald chapter 11 . 5/26/2018
I've enjoyed reading this story very much. I found it on ceceprincess1217's favourite list. The sci-fi elements are fascinating and I can imagine them becoming a reality in the future. The build of Bella and Edward's relationship was so natural (pun intended) and I don't know what to think about the right or wrong of it all. Not to mention the drama of his impending patch fix! I'd love to find out what happens next. Thanks for sharing!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/19/2018
I would DEFINITELY read "The Big One". I'll read ANYTHING you write. Concerto blew me away, and I'm really into this one. Please come back and finish it!
Guest chapter 7 . 5/19/2018
Nice, gooey, S-L-O-W, lemon. the best kind, especially as it is really the first one for both of them. You have to wonder what sex manuals/books were downloaded into Edward's positronic (I'm channeling Data from Star Trek: Next Generation here!) brain, to let him know JUST what to do!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/18/2018
Has anyone out there ever noticed what gi-NOR-mous Hands Rob Pattinson has. and I would not mind, EVER, if he chose to use them on ME. I would LOVE to see Rob and Emma Watson team up as Love Interests in a Romantic movie. swoon. I wish you had finished this story; it has SUCH potential.
Aaliyah96 chapter 11 . 5/19/2018
I really enjoy this story! Please update soon. If you’ve lost interest then maybe let someone adopt the story? Writers block is a pain I know.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/23/2018
ok! I've figured out how they are going to do a "work around" ! Jasper is a COMPUTER PROGRAMER! No, Jasper is not comfortable with the fact that Edward is Mandroid, but he will be able to see how devastated Bella is over the impending "love-ectomy" on Edward. Shoot she is near to being hysterical just finding out that Edward won't love her any more. They will all work on Jasper, breaking down his barriers (I'm sure Rose will threaten him if necessary!) And Rose will slap an injunction on Real Man Corp so FAST their heads will spin! When all is said and done, Edward rises above his programing, so to speak, and becomes more than the sum of his parts to EVOLVE into something MORE than Machine! And continues to love Bella even after the factory wipes his memory (they kidnap him when they realize that Jasper has outsmarted their programmers!) Ok, I'm satisfied now and will quit yammering at you to finish this. However, If you were to be INSPIRED by my ideas, honey, Run with it!
Guest chapter 11 . 4/23/2018
At least Bella has a "head's up" on their "agenda"! can you imagine if the gunshot "wound" had not happened, and suddenly next Friday, for no apparent REASON, Edward was just an emotionless android again. Talk about major FREAK-OUTS! Bella would have a serious Melt down!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/23/2018
He can BLEEEED, toooo! Yikes, are you SURE he's an android?!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/23/2018
Wow! I wanna have an Edward, tooooo! Oh my goodness, once the Technology is available, SOMEONE is going to be a GazziLLLIONaire. Who WOULDN'T want an Edward?!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
"Flippy-dippy" equals 'freak-out" but doesn't sound so mentally unstable! "Flippy-dippy" is my new favorite word, thanks for that!
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