Reviews for Naruto: The True Uzumaki
farenhite chapter 2 . 7/3
plz get a dictionary and search and understand the word "PSYCHOPATH"
CMcmcmckc chapter 7 . 5/18
OMGGGG it feels so great that everyone finally realized who protected konoha
Guest chapter 6 . 5/18
So even civilian side councilord dont know about Uzumaki clan...pathetic
ItachiJr chapter 7 . 4/30
Author is definitely a PewDiePie fan. PS probably spelled that wrong don't judge
Anonymous chapter 12 . 4/17
Why doesn’t naruto learn hirashin? If he does does it work better? Does he master rasengan? My head hurts from the questions that can only be answered on a later date
Anonymous chapter 5 . 4/17
I think this is fun to read. Capoeira looks fun to learn.
illogicalstar chapter 1 . 4/14
so you ARE promoting genoicde/mass murder with your comment about sasuke/the uchiha. so you're telling me that EVERYONE in the clan, even the kids and women deserved to get killed? that sasuke deserved to have all that trauma heaped on him? that he deserved it? nah. nah. you're literally fucking excusing / brushing aside what sasuke went through. so what youre saying is basically. the uchihas deserved to die, even though they were treated HORRIBLY by the village for YEARS, hearded into a compound and then when they tried to take back power for themselves they were all slaughtered? every single one of them, down to the last man woman and child? except sasuke? and to make matters worse, itachi literally traumatized his little brother even more with the mangekyo sharingan? so they deserved that, did they? sasuke deserved all that trauma? shut the fuck up. if kakashi can get a break, so can sasuke, you literal mass murder apologist.

yall cishet white men are so annoying. like deadass. if you can't write a fic without bashing a character, especially a character thats important to the main character, or youre bashing a character to prop up another character, youre a shitty writer. its shitty writing, karen. i dare you to write a fic that isnt bashing anothr character just to make naruto look good. and your fic is shitty just based off your little intro.

how about, instead of bashing said characters, try to write them better? develop them? if you cant do that then youre truly a shitty fucking writer.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14
so you ARE promoting genoicde/mass murder with your comment about sasuke/the uchiha. so you're telling me that EVERYONE in the clan, even the kids and women deserved to get killed? that sasuke deserved to have all that trauma heaped on him? that he deserved it? nah. nah. you're literally fucking excusing / brushing aside what sasuke went through because he "isnt nice".

yall cishet white men are so annoying. like deadass. if you can't write a fic without bashing a character, especially a character thats important to the main character, or youre bashing a character to prop up another character, youre a shitty writer. its shitty writing, karen. i dare you to write a fic that isnt bashing anothr character just to make naruto look good. and your fic is shitty just based off your little intro.

how about, instead of bashing said characters, try to write them better? develop them? if you cant do that then youre truly a shitty fucking writer.
Borello chapter 24 . 3/20
damnit. the story is really good.
R3DD1RT chapter 1 . 2/10
i know chapter 1 had a little serious tone to it but the (sorry if spoilers) the sss ranked secret was hilarious
keller.blair1 chapter 15 . 1/31
You wasted a chapter
Guest chapter 1 . 12/12/2019
From the beginning i see you've misunderstood sasukes character... Wherever your from your country has most probably done sick things because all nations do sick things to survive... The uchiha were wrong but Sasuke was innocent not Itachi not shisui Sasuke and all those kids were bloody innocent Naruto and Sasuke are equal in pain and i dare say sasuke is worse
Wittyartificer chapter 4 . 11/21/2019
I just thought of something, what if Sasuke likes tomatoes because it’s spelled almost like Tomoes?
Wittyartificer chapter 3 . 11/21/2019
Thanks for the muscle memory thing, I always thought it was dumb that everybody is like “shadow clones can’t help with physical training, only chakra control and book learning” and I’m over her like “why not, ever heard of muscle memory?”
Pucusi81 chapter 14 . 10/23/2019
Now that's what I'm talking about, Hiruzen being the biggest badass in the village. Most people write his character to weak. Nuff said!
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