Reviews for just listen to me
Guest chapter 1 . 1/18/2018
loved it.
The-Red-Lip chapter 1 . 1/31/2016
This is amazing!
Keep it up!
This is one of my new favourite Lucaya stories!
Giselle Mora chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
Perfecto! Me encantó.
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
Holy mess. That was fantastic. I obsess over the whole 'I can't do anything well when things aren't right with my love life' trope... Like the fact that Maya's presence has such effect on Lucas was just perfection. They're Fiiiiire. And the ending was spot on, because Maya doesn't need the perfect declaration of love. Lucas knows her and is already sure of what they have. So cute. This was awesome, loved it from start to finish.
luv2read2 chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
Very good and very cute! Loved everything about it. This is the first thing I've read from you and enjoyed it. Can't wait for more Lucaya stories from you!
tiramisuspice chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
Ahahahahahaha I wasn't aware I had a daughter! x3 What a pleasant surprise; I went to a convenience store for a late night ice cream run and I came back realizing I'm a mom lol.

I think the only issue I have with this story is that it wasn't longer! I found myself seriously hoping for more because it was just so fun to read. I know you're probably busy as heck, but honestly, I would LOVE to see the Lucaya of this universe expanded with even more little moments, specifically more stuff leading up to the first baseball game where Lucas was sucking and in between that game and their Roseanne watching night as well. (And the aftermath of this story because I feel like it would be M and well... lol I'm a fan of that) I'd definitely read more! I just want to read more of their building relationship because I love the way you write Lucaya all sweet/cute but fun/flirty and delicious. Quick question? Were they dating in this oneshot or was it open to interpretation?

LOL I love how so many of us Lucaya shippers all imagine Lucas tossing Maya onto his shoulders like a sack of potatoes though. And I LOVE the idea of Maya igniting the fire in Lucas. This line "she's igniting him" made me laugh soooo hard and just grin like a doof because it's just so comically true though!

Thank you for writing this oneshot :) It was lovely and definitely great to read while I was slacking on finishing up an essay.
fineh chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
Shit this was great I love it
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21/2016
I like the story need more chapters.
fashiondynomite31 chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
AHH so cuteeeeee :D
WanderlustAlice chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
Oh my gosh this is so freaking adorable
AConsciousDreamer chapter 1 . 1/20/2016
love this so much!
Kaptinkupcakes333 chapter 1 . 1/20/2016