Reviews for How the Other Half Lives
sunshine.katz chapter 24 . 1/22/2018
Interesting look at the differences between Muggle and wizarding culture and nice build up of the relationship between Draco and Hermione. I liked that Ron wasn't in the picture but not for any dramatic reason; just needing to find his own path.

However ... I found the Cat interlude confusing and she was a terrible friend to Hermione in attempting to pursue a relationship with Draco while apparently knowing from the start that he had feelings for Hermione and that their relationship would have an "expiration date". Also, while I can semi-understand that Draco would find it awkward to tell Hermione about the break up, what was Cat's excuse for not doing so and how did none of their mutual friends find out? Maybe for a day or two but not weeks! The guilt that Hermione felt after kissing him could absolutely have been avoided.
Kelsey441 chapter 24 . 11/25/2017
I reread this when I realized I didn't remember it well enough to start the sequel. It came back to me, and I enjoyed it just as much this time around. Thank you!
Guest chapter 6 . 11/15/2017
Sorry, me again on chapter 6. I think I understand now. The bank card is the debit and credit card in one. Which I can understand but that means it's all linked to the same bank account isn't it? The details elude me because I don't own a credit card anyway. So that's why you mentioned credit cards pertaining to specific stores. To me it was such an oddly detailed thing to teach when you've skipped credit cards that it just confused me. I got it. Australia doesn't work like that sorry. And I can't edit my posts.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/15/2017
Sorry, me again on chapter 6. I'm Australian but on the assumption we usually follow British terminology we call them debit cards not bank cards. It's bugging me, especially the credit cards specific to certain stores. What does that mean? How is it beneficial to the consumer? I don't even know what to Google.

Pretty good story so far though. I was immersed... until the credit card thing came up.
Guest chapter 6 . 11/15/2017
I'm reading chapter 6 and I might be wrong but Hermione says "Some people have credit cards specific to certain stores." I'm pretty sure that's an American thing? And do you not have credit cards that can be used anywhere? Why is it specific to certain stores? That's sounds so useless. I'd have to carry 50 cards for 50 stores, is that right?
AideanCampbell chapter 25 . 4/28/2017
I hate it, i hate that it ends so abrubtly, i dont like Cat at all- if there's anything, dating someone who you know has feelings for your best friends in my personal opinion is downright unacceptable. In my mind, that kind of behaviour belongs no less to selfishness and betrayal. That might come as too harsh a judgement but i suppose it all comes down to cutural differences. Just like Americans think us Europeans always a tad too posh or snobbish, we could never comprehend the way you treat everything so casually.
Pat chapter 25 . 2/17/2017
Loved this story. I never had to read that you intended this to be a HG/DM story, I could see that almost from the start - who else but the two of them, could really know what they'd gone through in that "gang war"? And Hermione's Muggle-born, so no inbred genetics to worry about. (And oh how I cried when Crookshanks died...)

I'll be bookmarking this, and starting on the sequel shortly.
SkyeMoor chapter 11 . 2/17/2017
Ron seems like a better person here than I've ever seen him before. not being propped up by someone, just standing on his own two feet.
SkyeMoor chapter 8 . 2/17/2017
Draco undressed, then, would be wearing a dressing gown, as was typical well into the latter 1700's.
Kyonomiko chapter 24 . 11/12/2016
Yay! Always enjoy a happy ending
Kyonomiko chapter 23 . 11/12/2016
Suspense chapter! Why oh why Draco didn't you just tell her things hadn't worked out? Let's hope he handles this well!
Kyonomiko chapter 22 . 11/12/2016
Gah! What a place to end a chapter!
Kyonomiko chapter 21 . 11/11/2016
How awkward for poor Cat
Kyonomiko chapter 20 . 11/11/2016
Awww Cat is very sweet. Now Draco it's on you!
Kyonomiko chapter 19 . 11/10/2016
Awwww crooks! Oh that was rough. Draco was wonderful
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