Reviews for coyote ugly
AiyhanaK chapter 2 . 2/22
Wow Brick... nice introduction
K2Lover2226 chapter 2 . 11/16/2019
love it and Brick calling girls Babe is hot
anonymas chapter 2 . 7/30/2016
this is indeed very interesting.I'm very excited to see where the story leads blossom and brick
Woopass chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
Awesome! Loving this powerpuff-supernatural crossover, update soon
queen caffeine chapter 2 . 7/26/2016

this is amazing and everything good in life. yes.
i love these dumb teenagers so much /okay/. this story is A.
also this kind of reminds me of all of other au ideas similar to this one (scooby doo, for example) and NOW IM GETTING IDEAS OHNO.
this story ALSO reminds me of walking with a ghost (WHICH I WILL UPDATE I SWEAR) and like i said, IDEAS.
ahhh my brain is practically fried and i can't breathe through my nose but this is gold so. enjoy my rambling review BC I LOVE THIS A WHOLE FRICKIN LOT.
CuddlyPuppyPotPieLover269 chapter 2 . 7/20/2016
Nice. I like how it's turning out.
inournature chapter 2 . 7/20/2016

Supernatural is one of my favorite shows, and the fact you combined it with my most favorite cartoon of all time—child, you are all things glorious.

I also really love your writing style! You manage to say a lot, without saying much at all. Which takes a lot of skill. I just love how portray the angry smol bean Buttercup, the don't-to-say-he's-feeling Butch, the reds who insist there is no sexual tension and not convincing anybody, and Bubbles being the adorable cutie pie she is~

Great work! And don't worry, I'll wait as long as it takes :)

Also would it be fine if I drew fanart for your fic? :D

Sketch, out.
kuppielovE chapter 2 . 7/20/2016
ahhhh! This was totally worth the wait. Well written and engaging, funny and endearing... I loved this chapter! TYSM for updating!
vitaminhershey chapter 2 . 7/19/2016
omG Marcy this is glorious
pradahigh chapter 1 . 7/8/2016
*patiently waits for the next update because she's cool that way*
godess bubbles chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
I love it!Please update soon!
RoseQuartz1 chapter 1 . 2/25/2016
Never watched Supernatural, but I can totally get behind this. :D
kuppielovE chapter 1 . 2/23/2016
Ahhh! This is so good!
I was immediately sucked in to the story. Your narrative has this enticing simple elegance that is so enjoyable to read! I love it, I love it! And the whole Supernatural AU is just super creative and fun, and just from this one glimpse of your writing, I think you'll pull it off fantastically; you have a way of saying a lot without saying a lot- like I said, simple elegance. I might be in love with this line: "Butch laughs, like there's a secret between all of them that no one else in the diner knows." Idk why exactly, except that it's just so *!* ... you know? Speaking of Butch, he's already become my problematic fave. I smiled so big at Buttercup's reaction. Their characters! Are so well established! In such few lines of dialogue! I love it! I love everything! Sorry for all the exclamation points, but I am so excited about this fic. I literally gasped when I saw summary on another author's Favorites.

I basically just repeated the same thing over and over in this review, "I love blah blah, I love blah blah," so I'm sorry for that, but I just see a lot of potential for this fic, and I'm so CURIOUS, and INTERESTED, and EXCITED, and... I already said that, so, okay, bye :)))) 3
silentprotester chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
Ok, so first thing: I FUCKING LOVE THIS! Supernatural has always been one of my favorite shows and this is probably one of the best fanfics I've read in a long time. I love everything about what you're doing and I hope you keep up the good work! :) This AU is probably one of the better ones that I've read.
Kiki chapter 1 . 1/19/2016
this is really cool! So its like supernatural then! I love it! *heart* *heart*
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