Reviews for Skyfire Part I: Timebomb
ldybugdsigns chapter 43 . 1/13
Wow...okay so final thoughts.
1- I'm SO glad there is a part 2
2-overall very moving and engaging story
3-i want all your secrets on writing strategy, character study, etc. ;)
4-the only criticism i have is maybe kill less people and watch your repeated phrases...i noticed a lot of little things like 'brushed a hair from his forehead' and 'heart sank to her toes' type things. nothing major but i sometimes noticed a little repetitive nature there. if that was the point, it's fine. definitely didn't take away from it. just something i noticed.
5-i respect your person and the hard work you put into this.
thank you for such an engaging story (my husband is quite mad at me for spending so much time reading though. haha) . my kids think i'm crazy for crying over words on a screen. (they are little though) but mostly it encourages me to work harder on my writing. congrats on an excellent novel!
ldybugdsigns chapter 42 . 1/13
Okay...why...just really?! I told myself it had to be a dream she wouldn't kill another one?! WTH dude! The final straw...I get it...but really? Couldn't there have been another way? ugh...the tragedy. And only one more chapter. Idk how to feel about this...
ldybugdsigns chapter 41 . 1/13
OH I'm dead now...dying dying dead...beautiful beautiful! His vows in particular. I literally got chills when he took the ring from his neck. So nice to see everyone so happy for once. I appreciate SO much the waiting they made the moments so much more special. It's a beautiful thing! It's nice to read it written so sweet. My face hurts from smiling. Thank you!
ldybugdsigns chapter 40 . 1/13
awwww...fangirl claps over here! finally some good moments! love it! worth the wait!
ldybugdsigns chapter 37 . 1/13
There are so many amazing phrases in here. How do you do it? "wayward ghosts in search of final resting place, all of them mere shells of their normal selves"...just for starters.

OH and thanks for the mental image of Poe in a uniform...yes, please!
ldybugdsigns chapter 34 . 1/12
Okay, I forgive you! This was great and so unexpected. I really don't see half of this stuff coming. Very enthralling each and every chapter! Well done!
ldybugdsigns chapter 30 . 1/12
I'm not speaking to you right now. :'( .
ldybugdsigns chapter 29 . 1/11
You're killing me here! Please noooooo! I can't handle the stress. I keep telling myself well at least Poe and Mila will be safe because there are more chapters in the story but now I'm attached to the others too and I'm about to cry. Why are you doing this?
ldybugdsigns chapter 28 . 1/11
Oh man! My fingernails are digging into my hands! This was so exciting...and the KID...why is there ALWAYS one kid that gets in the middle of a battle!? Ack! Still...poetic, as you said, sadly. It's late and I should go to sleep but I can't leave it there! You've got me all stressed out and sucked in. Really, your writing is incredible!

PS...Forgive all the chapter by chapter reviews. I am trying to condense to one every few chapters but there is so much goodness that I want to comment on!
ldybugdsigns chapter 26 . 1/11
Good feelings GONE! Finding Nemo vibes hitting me right now! eeek!
ldybugdsigns chapter 23 . 1/11 mentioned my girl, Hera! Huge Rebels fan here. My heart fluttered a bit. haha. Thanks for that 'easter egg'. You are a master at the transitions too...between characters and paragraphs. So great!
ldybugdsigns chapter 21 . 1/11
This is a chapter to be proud of...despite it not having a whole lot of action or emotion, the tension here is palpable. Also, the descriptions of the people and places are quite stunning. I feel like I'm watching the movie. ;) . I'm ready to see what happens next!
ldybugdsigns chapter 19 . 1/10
OH my goodness...I may or may not be crying a little. I have a lot of military friends and this hits home. Your descriptions of emotions and settings continue to impress.
ldybugdsigns chapter 14 . 1/10
Wow the way you end your phrases..."pining after something to say and coming up short"...that last sentence. So poetic. Ok so how come Aly is just now showing up? Where's she been while Kit was recovering? Did I miss that? Sorry. This is such a beautiful scene.
ldybugdsigns chapter 13 . 1/10
blissfully melting is about the same words i would use to describe myself right about now. ;) . *giddy fangirl claps* .
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