Reviews for What Do You Mean I'm Not Firelord
The Emerald Doe chapter 2 . 2/23
Great way to fill in the gaps between the Agni Kai and the coronation! Of course Zuko is going to get some pushback, he hasn't been seen in the best way in the Fire Nation.
WargishBoromirFan chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
All else fails, you can always blame a smaller number of sages on Azula's banishment policies. I really do like Zuko having to sit down and deal with the politics while still running a temper than usual; his sailor background and mouth are just too much fun. The whole appearing Gaang is in fine form, showing plenty of heart and sass. (Though speaking of Dame Not-Appearing-in-This-Fic, there was one other on the airship team...)

As far as concrit goes, while there are a few minor misplaced commas and words that don't quite fit the situation, the only major repeating issue that made me go "Hey, wait a minute..." is the uneven tense. Present can be hard to keep consistent, is all. Otherwise, this is pretty cute. :)
Hiniwalay chapter 2 . 2/24/2018
Interesting. Practically every other fic I’ve read had the sages immediately take Zuko’s side and declare that Azula lost by forfeit.
Guest chapter 2 . 10/3/2017
Awesome and this is definitely my headcanon for the inbetween scenes!
Loved it!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/15/2017
This was so great! Like honestly how zuko got crowned and then organiced everything should be a hole serie on it's ones. Thanks for sharing, I ejoyed it A LOT!
Gray Jedi 4000 chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Ha! I loved the fact that Zuko had a sailor mouth in the beginning, which, honestly, everyone (including me) usually doesn't realize. Also, I kind of hope Azula gets better.
Kimberly T chapter 2 . 1/23/2016
Very well done! And now part of my headcanon for what happened between scenes in the last episode.
Adrimore chapter 2 . 1/18/2016
Haha haha this was hilarious but I think it would be even more if the Sages at the end declared a tie so Zuko and Azula will have to share the throne because the Citizens will be happy with Azula and the Gaang and the other Kingdoms happy with Zuko, and see the two of them bickering all the time will be quite fun