Reviews for Decode
Feliflower chapter 5 . 2/21/2018
Absolutely amazing, I can’t tell you how amazed I am with this one. I always loved AUS but, this one is different and a good different at that. Beautifully written 3
thezirke chapter 5 . 4/18/2017
I hope you consider continuing this story, it's amazing!
LymeWarriorCosplay chapter 5 . 9/1/2016
Very good story! The best fanfiction I've read so far, in fact. I really hope you are able to update soon. I understand being busy. I almost never update my own fanfictions anymore. I really do like this story, though. It would be a real shame if it never got finished.
Golfbabe87 chapter 5 . 8/11/2016
Dun dun DUN! Looking forward to more.
alayneni chapter 5 . 4/5/2016
This is a wonderful story.

I'm looking forward to when the muse returns to it. I completely understand. I have a large fic as well that I'm ready to throw out the metaphorical window and I don't even update as regular as you do! Instead of working on that fic, I ended up starting three other multi-chapter fics. That is on top of the other half written one-shots I need to finish. The muse can be so fickle.

I've never seen the movie Safe and I'm tempted to go and read the plot but I think that might spoil this story for me. So Muse a loyal reader would like an update please!
jkrowlingrox chapter 5 . 2/23/2016
Nice fic!
Dairi chapter 5 . 2/14/2016
The plot thickens.

Love that they're already so invested in one another ~ Oliver saying she has more claim over him than anyone, and his response to Helena's question! Love it! Ahem.

Yeah, this seems like it may be darker than some stories you've done, to me but anyway, I can see it being draining and I wouldn't want writing to become a chore for you. Updates are always well worth any wait, by large I'd declare us a patient bunch...mostly lol. Anyway, hope all goes well as possible for you,
til next time~!
lyrically-correct chapter 5 . 2/13/2016
I'm so excited to know more about Oliver's background and I can't wait til March 3. I'm happy to wait patiently as long as it's for amazing writers like you.
Blueeyedolicityfreak chapter 5 . 2/13/2016
AAAHHHHHH LOVE IT! cannot wait to read more :) i really really like the bond between felicity and oliver :)
its just... *sigh* yeah lol
schrooten5 chapter 5 . 2/13/2016
I don't mind waiting at all. You spread your stories out all the time. I love anything you write and this chapter was great!
not paranoid enough chapter 5 . 2/12/2016
Thanks for the heads up on this story's posting break! Sad as it makes me, I hope it helps on your end!

The plot certainly thickened in this chapter - I eager to watch it play out :D
Megth chapter 5 . 2/12/2016
Awesome chapter! Loved how you worked in Slade and Blood and even Laurel. And you were spot-on with Helena's facial expressions. I will be waiting patiently for the next update in March, because for something this good, one does not mind if it takes a bit longer! One small request though - please can you throw in some Oliver whump along the way.
niagaraweasel chapter 5 . 2/12/2016
Okay, I admit so far I have just been lurking and reading your story, but I saw your A/N for this chapter and just had to say something. I understand perfectly that you need some time off to recharge your batteries and if the show is allowed to take a winter hiatus of a few weeks, then so are you ;-). I for one don't want this story to become a chore for you, I want you to enjoy writing it just as much as I enjoy reading it.
Mini Nicka chapter 5 . 2/12/2016
Interesting and enjoyable chapter. Cant wait for more
ohnonotmiggy chapter 1 . 2/11/2016
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