Reviews for Into the Darkness
Xander1996 chapter 11 . 5/18
Very cool story, I hope you will continue it
Dasgun chapter 11 . 5/2
FriggleBerry chapter 8 . 4/6
Kinda lost hope for this, it’s never even gonna get to the space part and if it is, it will be to late for it to matter kinda a waste of a read if you expect space travel and crazy shoot outs. It’s good as a naruto story but kinda rough as a crossover
FriggleBerry chapter 5 . 4/6
I’m worried this story is gonna end before anything actually ME related happens
FriggleBerry chapter 2 . 4/6
Honestly it feels a bit early for the secret to already be getting out, Idk how long he’s gonna be on his planet but I do hope he doesn’t bring others with him
Guest chapter 3 . 1/11
Omg I love it keep making more ch
Corey chapter 4 . 12/27/2019
I really tried to give this a chanse. The concept is interesting and your writing is generally good.

However, your version of Naruto just annoys me to much. He's too different in personality, too different in attitude, too different in vocabulary. He even appears too different in intelligence. In a way, he makes me imagine a different version of Sasuke Uchia. The way he might have turned out if the clan-massacre had never occured.

Unfortunaltly, the story fails to account for all these changes to the character, at least not in any way that could be called reasonable & plausible.
Nate chapter 9 . 10/28/2019
Some bored Deity chapter 11 . 6/19/2019
Very good story. I hope it doesn’t take forever for you to post again..
Jessica9906 chapter 11 . 4/8/2019
When will we continue?
Naruto will realize his dream?
With whom will Naruto be in a relationship? (Not with Hinata please but with Yugao please)
The Uchiwa can stop being so serious emo and the Haruno also both are a big pain in the ass.
helrio uzugaku chapter 11 . 4/1/2019
I'm enthralled at this point. It's been a long road, plenty of things to consider even more morally concious questions that needed to be asked.

You've done a wonderful job portraying Naruto's character and his Hope's and dreams in a way that breathes life into an otherwise lifeless series of words and phrases. I hole life hasn't completely distracted you from Fanfiction. A story this good, it would be a shame if it never got finished.

This was a breath of fresh air in comparison to other mass effect crossovers. I loved the first series of mass effect on Xbox 360. Then Andromeda was released... to this day I don't understand how such an enthralling plot could be executed in possibly the worst way imaginable. Honestly, I feel like I'm cheating on the real mass effect when I play andromeda.

Like your dating a supermodel with a great personality. Only to find yourself in the bed of an old maid in a drunken stupor. Trading an absolutely amazing catch for normal and boring. Being the only way to compare it that I can think of. Andromeda spat on the wonderful legacy that mass effect left behind. I'm just ashamed that I got suckered into choking up 59$ for a piss poor game.
helrio uzugaku chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
I'm not one to disregard a fic until I get a good look at how it all plays out. So far you haven't given me anything to really spit fire at so your good on that account. It's actually quite an interesting idea I'm interested to see unfold further. If I see something that looks wrong I'll jot it down and mention it later when I see it from the FULL picture. I've got my integrity as a critique for fanfiction on the line to think about, (self entitled I assure you but decent if I say so myself.)

I'm interested to see how you plan on getting Naruto off world, from the looks of it far off in the distant future. But I am enjoying it so far. So good work.
CMVreud chapter 11 . 3/4/2019
Gaaaah, so slow, so awesome, so waaaaaaa~iiii~iiitiiii~hingg.

Keep up your good work and move steady onward.
CMVreud chapter 10 . 3/4/2019
Y'know, a scene like in the chapter before what fanfiction authors live for.
The endless possibilities.
What is another team got sent to help Gato? What if nobody rescued Naruto? What if Kyuubi helped Naruto. Ever thought about a Kyuubi-powered stareship, what if Kyuubi could replace Eezo, what if chakra does?
Ooooh, the possibilities.
What if it wasn't a salarian starship, but a Prothean dreadnaught...
What if it wasn't a Salarian starship, but... Ryo-Ohki. /Escaflowne. /a Titan of the Legio XX /an Evangelion /a Bolo laboratory

And this chappie ain't bad for it itself.
Guest chapter 11 . 3/2/2019
Salut je suis un grand fan de ton histoire, je suis content que tu continues l’histoire et de voir la suite de Naruto ainsi que de jane Shepard jusqu’à la fin des moissonneurs
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