Reviews for Going Another Way
foreverautumn99 chapter 1 . 4/8
Enjoyed this very much
NEGirl chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
Chelsietx chapter 1 . 11/4/2016
Elsie - problem solving at her best! Love it.
ChelsieSouloftheAbbey chapter 1 . 2/14/2016
What a lovely, wonderful story! I could absolutely hear it all in their true voices. Fabulous!
Mrs. Dickens713 chapter 1 . 1/17/2016
I've been eagerly anticipating a Charles/Elsie fic from you, and this does not disappoint. It's lovely how you've managed to capture them so completely in such a tender, private moment. I think here it's Elsie who is my favorite. She shines in these potentially awkward, necessary conversations. And I can perfectly envision Charles' look of... shall we call it titillated horror in response to Elsie's claim that their must be infinite ways to perform such an act.

In particular, her description of him as a rule-follower and herself as a problem-solver was absolute perfection. It would absolutely be up to her to guide them in this new territory. What a beautiful moment between these two.
Teresagreen chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
Another insightful story from you. It is very sad to see Carson so depressed, defeated and low because of his shaking Infirmity and the inevitable changes it has forced on him. It has even affected his view of himself as a married man, and he has built up a veritable wall of defences to keep him from testing or trying to come to terms with his fear of failure in his intimate relations.
Fortunately, Elsie is courageous enough to take him and his walls on. It is very satisfying that she likens Charles' behaviour and feelings to her own before their marriage, describes Charles' operations in the world as rule-follower contrasting with herself as a problem- solver. And she's ultimately successful!
Thankful for this clever, thoughtful story. More please.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
I'm so enjoying your series of stories after the last episode. You really have a lock on these characters, Robert, Mary, Mrs. Hughes, and of course Carson. But this one ended...too soon!
suzie chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Tough subject to tackle, and beautifully delivered. Like the analysis- he, the rule follower, she the problem solver. But don't stop here- Help them find their way, Edward!
CJaxa chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
kouw chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
This is so good - I love the nuanced way you describe the relationship between Charles and Mary and that Mary is quite aware of the difficulties and the challenges Mr Carson has to face. I wonder what Elsie will say when she comes home and Charles tells her about his visit. I think she'll be pleasantly surprised.
imnotokaywiththerunning chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Brilliant! You continue to write these two so true to their characters. Well done!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Ahhhhh just perfect! I do hope you continue
pleasantlyfurrygalaxy chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
This was sensitively written. hope to see more
joaniefan chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Looved it! I totally see poor Charlie behaving like this, amazing story! :D
VoyICJ chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
Another wonderful story from you - and very in character (I can't believe she really called him Charlie in the CS...).

They seemed to discuss a lot more than 'it' here (though veiled) and that made the story very special and a joy to read.
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