Reviews for The Touma Ticket
Guest chapter 15 . 6/26
Read the remastered prologue, hoped this doesn't include the 'make copies of tickets as request' part cause that's definitely cheating. And Touma's first time with an older girl like Kaori. And a certain copy of himself (from NT22R) speaking to him in his dreams.
wildarms13 chapter 15 . 6/25
ohh! haven't read the remastered yet, thanks for posting this up!
Agent Nine chapter 15 . 6/25
Will the remastered chapters keep the M rated scenes? Will there continue to be M rated scenes?
cbustroyer chapter 14 . 4/27
Does it really matter? You already went this far with Leivina, just go for it! The lemon for both Birdway siblings.
cbustroyer chapter 7 . 4/27
We need more porn for these two! I have no shame in admitting it. Thank you so much!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/11
Remember what I said about the Kami-yan persona? First I apologise for that, cause now there's an evil version of Touma in NT22R.
Guest chapter 14 . 2/4
This story is good can you update or some else update please
IllusionBreaker chapter 14 . 9/9/2019
So when is this story getting updated?
Guest chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
Wonder if you can rewrite this story from scratch? This is due to how bad it is, not just the Birdway issue (which I still think she cheated with that stupid loophole of hers with the ticket or how I still think that Touma's first time should've been an older woman) but also the inconsidency involving the 'Kami-yan' persona that should never have exist and now Nephthys's 1% part who's speaking to Patricia's head when it NEVER actually happened in the canon.
Agent Nine chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
Patricia did always fit the mold of an innocent girl. Her feelings were so pure, so, I really liked the ending to this chapter. I'm hoping to see more kind-of fluffy moments like this.

The brocon arc is getting surprisingly long. I'm really itching to see someone from the science side use the Touma ticket. I'm not gonna lie though, Touma being under the same roof with Leivina is stressing me out. He should really get out of there for his own sake.
BlueJack22 chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
I have a question if Kami say misfortune himself would he changed back to touma?
Sergio644 chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
LOL that's great let Touma harem continue to grow both sisters love Touma. I'm thinking Leivinia will talk tyo Othinus and try to convince here to start a harem with Touma I'm thinking Othinus will be the Head wife then Leivinia and Patricia then so on keep going with this great story
Generation Zero chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
Yup, Patricia has become the new Imouto for Kamijou-dono. Considering her thought process, I am not surprised if she would become the next Yandere of his girlfriends. Still, it would be too soon for them to ... well, you probably know what I mean. What about Carrissa and Othinus? I am wanting to see them for some time, want to see how their relationship developed naturally as they learned more about him and vice versa. I would love to see other ladies join in as well.
linkjames24 chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
Not enough Othinus for a story with her name on it. False advertising.
whwsms chapter 14 . 8/7/2018
Well, it's appropriate to say: Welcome Back.

That said, I speak solely for myself: "Kami" is (IMHO) more than just a jerk-***, he is an outright "jack-***". It's even written in this chapter that he should be aware that taking dominance (even for a time) does not take away the presence or possibility of "misfortune". Also, in contrast to the statement that he wants to (paraphrasing it here) "shower the girls who are interested in him (or more) with attention and affection", his taking a photo of himself in bed with the Birdway Sisters appears more like bragging. And chances are Touma will face the negative feedback of such a d***-move.

At this point, if I follow this story any more, it will be in the background. IF the "Kami" persona is somehow exorcised or otherwise done away with, I may follow it more closely.

That said, please don't go changing anything just for this one reader. If the review comments are an indication, there are those who like this story in its present form, and I for one will not try to change their opinion on the matter.

Peace to you.
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