Reviews for Naruto: father of the year
Guest chapter 2 . 7/28
If you check this at all, please continue to post. I really enjoy this fanfic and pairing.
Super Heavy Duty chapter 2 . 6/28
This is disgusting
Lucky Lucy Heart chapter 2 . 6/1
PLEASE UPDATE! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story! The plot is AWESOME and your writing is AMAZING! I can’t wait to read the next chapter and I hope you upload it SOON!
M. H chapter 2 . 5/18
Wish there was more love what is here.
Jeg-mina chapter 2 . 3/16/2019
This is such a great story and I hope that you're going to continue it...I just can't get enough of it! Please update?!
Bluecean chapter 1 . 8/17/2018
This is an incredibly interesting story with an extremely rarer pairing. I'd love to read more, if you'd be willing to update, please?
inuyasha16451 chapter 2 . 1/18/2018
Omg. Please please come back and update this awesome story soon.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/19/2017
Please update I like this story a lot. It's very good
NoirLotusCreations chapter 2 . 5/1/2017
I really hope you can add more chapters soon! This is really good so far.
Shadowlover33 chapter 2 . 4/16/2017
I like the plot. I haven't seen it in the stories I've read thus far so I'm vary interested in seeing how this go's. I do think it's cute though. I hope u continue this story till completion and can't wait til you update the next chapter!
777angeloflove chapter 2 . 3/30/2017
Guest chapter 2 . 1/8/2017
Really like your story so far! Hope there will be an update someday!
irritatedbookwor chapter 2 . 12/28/2016
Thank you. This is an interesting enough story that I happily added it to my collection of other stories I like to read. (also, by snatching them up, I at least know who to chew out if they disappear! As has happened before... *grump*)

I should mention that once my story plot hares got through with what you've written so far, they've been bouncing all over my brain with new plot ideas for this tale of yours. Interested in taking a bunch home to your computer? Please?! At least one set involves a reborn Uzushiogakure, an annoyed/frustrated Orochimaru and an upset Council/Danzo when they find out just what Naruto accidentally got involved in. While the Yamanakas are busily digesting what this means for them. Inoichi is just plain bemused and musing that when he steps down as Yamanaka clan head, he may just end up as co-Kage of a renewed Uzushio!

On another point. Were you the author of a rather tasty Hashirama/Madara story called 'A Special Gift'? If you were, may I ask why it got yanked? And if you weren't, do you happen to know who did? I'd like to nibble some tail about that.. violently. I /hate/ having incomplete good stories vanish on me.

As is, I hope your Christmas was a good one and the best of wishes for the new year. May we get to see lots of new writing from you this coming year!
Bluecean chapter 2 . 11/20/2016
Ooh, it's getting exciting! Please please please update~ Inoichi/Naruto is very rare, so please update~
Faery66 chapter 2 . 10/7/2016
Hope to read more soon.

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