Reviews for Old Friends
Chelsietx chapter 1 . 11/4/2016
I'm so glad to see the relationship between these two highlighted. It only seems natural that they would want to continue a friendship since they have been at each other's sides for so many years. Of course Carson wouldn't have described it as a friendship since he was a servant. Robert had to take the initiative and he did so admirably. Thank you.
dustnik chapter 1 . 7/25/2016
This was very sweet - Carson and Robert both essentially retired and missing each other as they were bound to do. You could definitely feel their awkwardness trying to go forward into a new type of relationship not based on the master-servant paradigm, a friendship of equals almost.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2016
Wonderful character study of two men who have a strong bond beneath all the protocol of class. Interesting that they both find themselves thrown into a new chapter of their lives without a map to guide them.
VoyICJ chapter 1 . 1/11/2016
You really have a talent to get the characters just right. This story read like something that could easily have been taken out of a DA Script Book.
I never thought of Robert and Carson as being in the same situation but what you write makes sense. I'm glad that Robert was able to show Carson how much he really means to him as a friend and confidant and that Charles was able to accept it.
Beautifully written and executed and I am very much looking forward to your next story!
PinkFairy23 chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
Ahhhhh so cute! Totally imagine this happening, how lovely
taterhedgehog chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
This was fantastic. I feel like it explored sides of them we don't see regularly, but it was so perfect for their characters. Wonderfully done!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Cinnabar Moth chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
I didn't know until I read this that this was something I needed. Now I really want more!

Carson and Robert's relationship is such an interesting one. They are very alike in some ways and they've certainly been comrades in arms and attitude through everything. But Robert's entire way of life has been designed since birth to prevent him from really seeing Carson or fully empathising with him. So it's hard to do much in the way of friendship between them while Carson is butler. The power difference is too big.

But in all my musings about Carson after what was done to him in the finale I never thought about how it left room to develop this friendship. I figure this is a oneshot but I would so happily go on reading their dog-walking adventures as they adjust to the new world. And to a plausible new level of friendship.

I love how you've given us a basis for that without compromising character or going too far too fast. Robert is still Robert, and you neither vilify him nor plaster over his benevolent neglect. Carson's position is sad and complicated without melodrama.

I especially love your description of the Carsons' sitting room. That lack of Elsie's presence in the room is such a great paragraph. It says something about each of their characters. And it simultaneously highlights both the comfort of Carson's position in some ways, and his isolation in others given that his wife too is shaped by her work and her position in the Downton world. There are ways she can be there and ways she can't.

I just really love this and Robert and Carson and Tiaa going for occasional walks while tackling their individual trials - 100% accepted as head canon.

Thank you so much for sharing this story. I really love it.
suzie chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Didn't Hugh Bonneville say Robert and Carson were two sides of the same coin? You made the point so well in your story. They're both feeling a bit under-used, due to illness. Yes, Carson's the one with the big heart. Thanks for a rare view of this relationship! As always, excellent writing!
dsky chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Wonderful story. I love how you write Carson and Robert. I hadn't really recognized the parallels until you pointed them out, but now they seem obvious. I'd love it if this happened in canon, and I suppose a perk of the series end is that this can be head canon now, with nothing to contradict it. Keep up the good work, I love your stories.
dreamer 3097 chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
This is good
lemacd chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
you did it again. i love how your last two stories have been about carson interacting with someone other than elsie (i like those stories too). robert is an amazing character and you nailed why i like him so much, why his speeches move me (though i'm sure if they were said by any other actor would probably make me laugh). his gaze is direct, his words are simple and yet grand at the same. you've captured it wonderfully. the way he sees that he and carson have been forced to slow down and give up something that has been a huge reason for living by ailment was a brilliant insight. brilliant.
imnotokaywiththerunning chapter 1 . 1/7/2016
Yes! Amazing. Absolutely wonderful. I didn't know I needed this until now. Thank you!