Reviews for What to do about Magik?
Dr. Whelan chapter 54 . 6/14
[Preparation H]
Guest chapter 54 . 6/14
Keep up your way of writing.
Guest chapter 53 . 5/16
Nice story. Keep it up.
Guest chapter 52 . 4/13
Thanks for the update. I hope the downtime gives the creators time to think of better stories.
Guest chapter 51 . 3/17
Thanks for the chapter.
Guest chapter 50 . 3/8
Thanks for your take on things. Keep it up
G0RM chapter 41 . 3/9
I liked a CBR comment that the New Mutants in Space adventure used ships in hyperspace because travel through Limbo would sever the connection between the two Krakoan Gate-Flowers, given that Limbo is in another universe

So Magik could have jumped, but that wouldn't have allowed the whole purpose of the mission: to create a bridge connecting the Shi'ar GalaxyThroneworld to Krakoa

Regarding her 'Resurrection' post Hell Lord: that would require killing the thing that ripped the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak out of the Juggernaut and shattered it in her hand...

Who could have done that?

Nope; she's just pretending to be a little girl, rather than using her full Hell Lord status

(and her impossibly sophisticated psionic shields convince Psychics that they are reading her (decoy) mind

Fundamental Illyana Principle:

Magik Throws Fights and Underplays her peers

(transporting the whole school to Limbo and curbstomping the Inhumans, Worldeater, Dormammu, and various Spacegods is Boooring...
Guest chapter 49 . 2/16
Thanks for the uplifting chapter.
MikeJaffa chapter 49 . 2/16
Hilarious! Nice. Well done. (Now I'm wondering what Doctor Strange's tax returns look like! g )
Guest chapter 48 . 1/18
Thanks for the chapter. I think everyone is wondering where things are going.
G0RM chapter 44 . 12/6/2019
Are you familiar with "Strange Academy", at which Magik will be one of the instructors?

The preview of issue #1 has a character who was just called "Son of the Dork Dimension" calling another "Someone from 'Ass Guard'.I don't know if they read your stuff)

'Doyle Dormammu' is apparently the name of the former, and I don't know if there will be bad blood between DoyleMagik, or if father and son will respect her all the more, given that she can bring the old man to his knees to beg.
Guest chapter 47 . 12/2/2019
Thanks for the chapter but Illyana needs more screen time.
G0RM chapter 47 . 12/2/2019
And regarding New Mutants #2, what is your opinion of whether Magik is a "reader" or not, and the whole thing of Illyana's playing of games (always skipping her turn in Battleworld Risk etc.)
G0RM chapter 47 . 12/2/2019
Interesting, although my hope is that when they're together, that ScoreLogan have more nuanced and sensitive discussions of women's inner lives, given their familiarity with female telepaths and other strong personalities (Storm etc)

Alex, though, I expect nothing of...

(I just reread your personal introduction, where you mention Magik 1.0 fanfic from 1990-2003... I'd love it if you could post some titles and links... Kid Dynamo is the earliest solid piece I know of. Now I wish I just started collecting text files of everything I liked, because they keep disappearing from the web when I try to find them again {Disney?}
G0RM chapter 46 . 11/23/2019
Xavier briefly had full access to Illyana's mind and mutant powers in TNM v1 #50, when her mutant half was separated from the Darkchilde. Presumably he surveyed her complete biography growing up in Limbo (the details not sealed with amnesia by the Hell Lord part), and Charles supported her in some of her most impressive teleportation: intergalactic and precision Cross-Time to track the scattered New Mutants.
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