Reviews for Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Evolution
narutouzumaki9718 chapter 7 . 2/14/2019
This is a great story hope you come back to it!
Just a Crazy-Man chapter 7 . 11/1/2017
Old steamer chapter 7 . 5/4/2017
It's not perpetual motion! I was getting at the fact that It should be possible to harvest the ambient energy in the air around us without solar panels with one hundred or greater percent efficiency, after all energy is literally all around us in the form of heat and dark matter their should be and are ways to collect, store, and convert them both into useable formats in very large quantities mostly because dark matter seems to behave similarly to a gyroscope in certain conditions, conditions that are uncomfortably easy for anyone with the ability to think way outside the box to create.
Old steamer chapter 6 . 5/2/2017
It would seem that the site has delayed posting my reviews and not filtered them out like I thought before you should look into that, after all it may be delaying other reviews from being posted.
Old steamer chapter 6 . 4/30/2017
It would seem that Ray's former boss managed to survive the bombardment Ray subjected him to and is now out for revenge.
Old steamer chapter 6 . 4/30/2017
If you want a more powerful reactor design for the fog ships look up the molten-salt reactor on YouTube also it would seem that Ray's ex-boss is still alive.
Old steamer chapter 6 . 4/30/2017
I have read your profile and think that you are correct in the assumption that you should make tales of the multiverse a higher priority on the to do list, also if you're interested in a interesting and powerful real life energy source look up the documentary a machine to die for.
Old steamer chapter 6 . 4/30/2017
It would seem that the system is filtering out my reviews as they are making reference to a controversial, but a potentially good story element namely zero wavelength energy and the methods to harness and use it, yes it does exist and there are ways to harness large amounts of it, and it has been done and is still being done.
Old steamer chapter 6 . 4/30/2017
It seems my last review was filtered out by the system anyway if you're interested in some ideas for unconventional, but potentially very small and powerful energy sources for the union cores go to YouTube and search for information on, zero point energy more specifically a principal titled "the law of the squares" as it is currently the only principle for collecting and using it that has been proven to work.
Old steamer chapter 6 . 4/30/2017
Have you tried going to YouTube and researching a "Machine to die for" or "it runs on water" and other related content, since it might give you some ideas on more powerful energy sources namely Zero point energy collectors/reactors that particular type energy has been proven to exist however a lot of powerful people have been and still are impending the research into harnessing and using it mainly because most of the methods to do so can be understood by and more importantly used anyone with high school level mathematics and material science knowledge to construct such a device that could in theory make electric utility companies all but completely obsolete.
TerrorMouse chapter 5 . 4/29/2017
While aircraft carriers are never shown in the anime the Yorktown does appear in the manga. In the series carriers are called support and suppression vessels and the reason they do not appear that much is because aircraft are too small to have a KLEIN field and due go the effectiveness of human anti air capabilities. The aircraft were swatted out of the air like flies and the fog considers this a waste and deconstructed all aircraft for bank materials. Still, even without aircraft they have a deadly array of weapons and their processing capability is even bibber then those of fast battleships.
RapidRotation chapter 4 . 4/28/2017
Gotta get some porcupine launchers, Ray. Pretty much the best damn ASW they had during WW2
Guest chapter 4 . 10/15/2016
Love this story please update it soon
Dakota-Son of Poseidon chapter 4 . 6/6/2016
Love the story so far, Are you planning on going farther then the anime showed? If so I cant wait. Best of luck, hope it updates soon!
Dadlop3 chapter 4 . 3/21/2016
Nicely made story. Lots of potential.

Could use some grammar checks though lol. It's not that big of a problem so you're fine. It seems kind of rushed in my opinion and the fact that Ray is going to be in charge of Fog is just so sudden. We hardly know his back story but I supposed this is the best we know since there's only 4 chapters so far.

Or maybe I read it too fast. I honestly skimmed through it for the battles lol. Nevertheless, keep up the good work!
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