Reviews for Nelyo
EtheleFeanorian chapter 2 . 8/28/2016
He was his Earthborn... oh God so... ... I don't know, just amazing. I felt it you know, I felt Gwahir feelings and thinking, I could see it. I love the way Manwë "talk" to him. Thank you so much for this amazing little thing.
Lotrfn chapter 2 . 7/22/2016
Oh you added to it! What an amazing perspective. I just love seeing it from the Eagle's point of view. Nelyo inspires love even in the Eagle, a distant bystander. Really beautiful.
Lotrfn chapter 1 . 6/14/2016
Just lovely story. I love these two characters and so nice to see them during happier times.
Cynthermes chapter 1 . 4/24/2016

This is by far my favorite couple. In my opinion, they are almost a 'canon' pairing of the Silmarillion. I wish we have more stories of these soulmates that do not end in tragedy. *Sniffle.
EtheleFeanorian chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
This is by far my favorite couple, then Glorfindel & Erestor and then Elrohir & Legolas.
So you make me a merry thing reading your fics.
This was sweet, gotta adimt that I always think of Nelyo as this elf that gets a lot of attention but never gives in to someone... I have been writting this drabble were the song just struck him with Findekáno since he meet him as child. So the drunked and messing around is not so much my thing; but you are so good at this that I can look past it and really enjoy it.
And I am waiting for the next chapter, you better not leave it here... pretty please.

Well, have a good day/night, and thanks for the nice fic, as always you are brilliant.
Melusine6619 chapter 1 . 3/22/2016
I guess Fin's infatuation isn't so one-sided after all. Ah, very bittersweet ending (maybe?) there. Lovely!
Anarithilien2 chapter 1 . 1/2/2016
LOL! Clearly I'm out of practice with this reviewing stuff (re my one word review just posted).
I want to thank you, dear friend, for this precious love story. Though unrequited, it is heartfelt and the longing so real. Poor Fin. And Nelyo is, as always, so hot, even when drunk. What means most to me is your understanding that I needed a pick me up, just like Nelyo knows Fin needs a guiding hand. What a dear person you are! How lucky I am to have you as a friend! In return, know I am "trying" to work on that little story we had talked about. "Trying" is the definitive word here. I am very rusty and have about one page done in what is likely to be 20. *sigh* Bear with me.
Love you!
anarithilien chapter 1 . 1/2/2016