Reviews for Finally Belonging
Guest chapter 46 . 6/24
Are you going to write more for this story? I love it!
TwistingHope chapter 30 . 6/10
I absolutely ADORED this chapter! :'))
TwistingHope chapter 23 . 6/9
This chapter was as heartbreaking as it was joyous.
Guest chapter 46 . 4/9
How can you just stop?
Can you write more chapters, pretty please :)
Nemhain2009 chapter 46 . 2/28
This is a great story! I’ve enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing!
Nova Cryptid chapter 8 . 2/10
Love the book so far, but i have to ask. What mental disorder did you base Loki's brain off of? I see a lot of things i do with my autism, stimming by flapping hands, getting distracted by things like cn openers cause of the noise or shinyness, sitting on counters and high places, never sitting correctly in a chair, the rsd (rejection sensitive dysphoria) which is obviously from the abuse but also comes with autism, drawing (as a stim outlet and a way to use my brain that will never shut up) and though i don't have the near constant movement, that is another factor. It may be closer to adhd though, as i have both and they tend to get mixed around in my head.
Guest chapter 12 . 2/8
Summary is slightly misleading in that it states Loki is brain damaged it's more that the way he has been treated since birth has drastically altered him like kids raised in the wild
Crazy Cheshire Cat Lady chapter 46 . 11/26/2019
Can you PLEASE update your story cupboards and cryogenics?
Pencil writer chapter 18 . 11/4/2019
I’m verily enjoying the way you’re using Disney movies to help Loki with his ...mental disease. If I’m being honest I’m looking through the movie labeling the characters . Odin as Frollo , Esmeralda as ANYONE ON EARTH! WHO HAS A SOUL! And febus (pheobus?) as Thor .I still see Thor as a jerk but not that much .
Keep writing (cause holy frig is this one a doozie!)
Pencil writer
broken5pieces chapter 17 . 9/2/2019
I feel you about the essays. I can write a 20 page story in two hours but an essay will zap all my energy and take hours and still turn out awful!
CallMeKayden chapter 46 . 6/29/2019
Oh my god thiswassoepic!
I can't seem to form words, but I REALLY hope you continue this soon! Best story I've ever read; completely disoriented my reality.
Guest chapter 21 . 6/24/2019
Oh shoot.
Thor's here q~q
Guest chapter 11 . 6/22/2019
"Jarvis has watched Sir comfort Mr. Loki nightmare after nightmare. If he had a body, Jarvis thinks, he could perhaps do the same thing for Sir that Sir does for Mr. Loki- holding him close while reassuring him" I'm not sure if it's going to happen in the future chapters, but I hope Loki can build Javris a body :')
Guest chapter 2 . 6/21/2019
Awe, Loki is a bit like Luna Lovegood in this chapter :'3
QuiltedRose49 chapter 31 . 2/5/2019
Hey there! Loving the story so far! So nice to see Loki having a blast. I must say though, the therapist parts are really irritating me. Not because of the therapist, but because of how Tony treats her. He’s thought several times that she’s near useless and that he’s doing better and I’m just like “Yeah, cuz you’re not really keeping her informed about Loki!” Therapists can’t just come up with treatments and exercises with so little information, so of course she’s not effectual. I feel like he’s also being a hinderance when he lets his annoyance with her show and Loki emulates it. I understand he needs to be present, but I feel like he should keep his attitude more under wraps during these sessions for Loki’s sake. Probably too late for that now though. Sorry for the rant, I don’t mean to be negative, I really do love the story, but that bit just niggles at me. I’ll shut up now to read the rest :) have a great day!
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