Reviews for Desperate
Xaraphis chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
I love how you started this; how anger and battle reached a critical point and broke into a crashing need of a physical connection. This story is intense and angsty and so wonderfully written that you practically FEEL what the characters are feeling.
N30KID chapter 1 . 1/3/2016
This was amazingggg. You did a great job of describing the attraction between them even while they were fighting. I love this and this ship has become my new fav atm XD
Tragically Humorous chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
Loved this. They are helpless for each other. Thank you for writing this!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
Definitely more into FinnRey, but this is intriguing.
iiuro chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
So, I've just literally come from watching The Force Awakens - like within the passed few minutes - and I'm not gonna lie: Kylo Ren is HAWT! It's expected though; I've always had a thing for guys in masks 3 and that voice...OMG O.o
This fanfic has been the first (but most certainly be the last) I've read for the Ren/Rey pairing (which I immediately started shipping within the movie theatre), and I just want to say WELL DONE!
(Please forgive all my rambling - I'm in fresh-fangirl mode)
Jedi Kay-Kenobi chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
I love the transition from fighting dangerously to the need for contact and comfort. Kylo's aggressiveness is great, and I can even see it continuing when they begin to cross all of the lines set between them. Rey is strong, but that little bit of weakness shining through from her wounds sheds a new light on her.

I don't know what it is that makes me love them together so much, but damn I love them, and I hope they aren't related, even though the clues strongly support a family relation!

Great stuff! Intense! :D