Reviews for FanFucktion
Starbr0m1ga chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
MORE PLEASE! But the "fucktion" needs be more... i don't know "fucky"? i mesn as more than just random ( keep the random i just mean add more to it ) like toss in some INTENSE CRAP IN THERE like ships sail Farther than like FAR! what im say is... to make more random ( in my opinion ) is there need more sexually content period. you dont have to if you dont want to. but just a suggestion _
catspats31 chapter 1 . 2/2/2016
Just a heads up that the following part of the Content Guidelines is broken:

General rules:
1. Entry title and summary must be rated K for all audience. No exceptions.

Please replace the F-word within the title of your story with something appropriate for minors.
70lbsNervosa chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
i love all your fan fics you do and amazing just amazing job