Reviews for Pilot Light
Divine the Withered Soul chapter 42 . 6/4
she* sorry.
Divine the Withered Soul chapter 43 . 6/4
It's sad to know that this story will probably never be continued/finished. It had so much going for it. It had great characters, a great plot, great writing, great dialogue, this story had everything! I hope that the Author is doing fine, he's still active on his twitter. Wherever/However you are, I hope you're doing good. Maybe this story will be finished someday, maybe not, who knows. Just know that this was a great story, and that I'd support it either way.

Turved chapter 43 . 4/6
I remember this story from so many years ago! It was and is an enduring fanfic classic. Author, wherever you are, I hope you've graduated to writing bestselling books or doing whatever it is that makes you happy! You've made a lot of people happy with this story, so you deserve it.
Johnathan-Mandrake chapter 43 . 9/8/2019
Well, it's been another 8 years... since the last update.(funny since Author-Sama said it might not be finished in that time period last chapter... but wow. Is Author-Sama a psychic type?
Johnathan-Mandrake chapter 32 . 8/9/2019
Question: how do they even know that the Lugia they're currently dealing with is the same one from the centuries old prophecy? that Lugia could have died by now to be replaced with one that neither knows nor cares about it... Arceus it could actually LIKE humans for all they know since they've never met it! Unless both sides of a story are known the entire thing is a work of Fiction. And while I personally like fiction, what they currently believe to be fact may be just that and therefore lead them to a grave misunderstanding with a potential ally... a very POWERFUL ally at that.
Johnathan-Mandrake chapter 18 . 8/8/2019
I like that grandma... "There's little point in studying something that's already been figured out." love it. and so true. Howeveras one who also studys myths, legends, and the likefinding a way to PROVE your findings as fact is quite difficult. especially when there are no degrees on the subject you claim to know about.
VarroWayland chapter 31 . 3/16/2019
The realization just slapped me in the face.
OoOOooOOooo cryptic comment
Sebastian chapter 43 . 2/5/2019
Why did you stop? This is the best fan fiction I've read yet! You promised now it's been 8 years!
RandomDude chapter 43 . 7/12/2018
Wait, I just realized, HOW THE HELL DID YOU GUESS THE ALOLAN VULPIX?! Connor's description is EXACTLY THE SAME as one, even down to the especially Curly Tails, and Prince-like Nature. Hell, it even explains why he DOESN'T know about Moltres, and never really used any fire attacks other than Will-o-Wisp!

I mean seriously, I think you ARE a pricey at this point. Wow, that is REALLY CRAZY.

Thanks for the fic!
RandomDude chapter 43 . 7/11/2018
So... Seven years since you updated... that's a fairly long while. I'm going to your author page right after this to double check whether your still active, or you rewrote this or something, but since the latest chapter was at the 8 year mark already I'm not counting on it.

So this story has been around for 15 years? Wow, I didn't realize it was that old. A story which is an old as a teenager, and spent roghly half its "life" on a cliffhanger. That's just sad.

Now I mention this because I assumed the story was done due to the amount of chapters, and I liked it SO MUCH I dedicated an entire day to just reading this beginning to end. Seriously, I think I forgot to eat today due to this fic. So, yeah, I'm disappointed this story will likely never continue, but in and of itself it is GREAT.

Thanks for the fic!
DisastrousDwarf chapter 43 . 1/25/2018
When is this going to be updated next?
KielTheJolteon chapter 43 . 12/12/2017
Guest chapter 43 . 8/7/2017
Hey, is this fanfic still alive? This is one of the best tf stories I've read in a long time and it's a shame to see it ended so abruptly. I especially like the non-paragon heroes in the story. No one is perfect and no one changes overnight. It all feels very real and personal. I also appreciate that I don't have to translate broken English since you've done a fantastic job in spelling and grammar. I started reading yesterday and couldn't stop until I hit ch 43. The only criticism I have is that the pacing is sometimes very slow or very fast for a scene that feels like it could be better paced. This is more of personal preference thing than a real criticism though, so take it with a grain of salt. Honestly, I wish I could paint such interesting conflicts and situations with words the way you can. If you were planning on giving this story up please reconsider! It really is a great story.
hinzetanner chapter 43 . 2/23/2017
This is one of my biggest pet peeves, when the story stops just when it gets to the good par... see what I mean it is like that it just feels incomplete and it is made even worse when the author never comes back to finish the story
shogun.chan chapter 43 . 9/27/2016
You left us hanging for over five years. Come back. It was a great read, and I want to see more of Kit, and whether she DOES evolve eventually, although I doubt it. But still, I hope you see this story through to completion. I haven't given up hope yet.
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