Reviews for Changing Fates: Live Free or Twihard
Guest chapter 4 . 5/13
It would have been better if Alex had been a hybrid (half vampire and half human) for this story.
chellekathrynnn chapter 12 . 5/5
Please do not move to ao3 as I’m selfish and only use fanfiction. It would break my heart
Guest chapter 3 . 2/6/2019
When you use Did the verb must be in the present tense.
Example: I didn’t KNOW that.
DarkAngel2581 chapter 11 . 3/26/2018
Love it so far. Can't wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 11 . 3/21/2018
Tanya was crushing on Edward, not Irina.
DarkDust27 chapter 11 . 1/16/2018
Nothing says Bromance like playing a great PS4 multiplayer online shooting game. ;)
Angelicsailor chapter 11 . 7/22/2017
I really hope your thesis works goes well! I'm terribly sorry to hear about you health
Also glad you got a better job it always feels nice to leave a place that wasn't working for you,
As for your queries,
I did I fact read all of the note,
As for writing style I like both(NOT IN THE SAME BOOK MIND YOU) but for more of a thought provoking book I like third person, for more intimate books with lovely characters (especially if I like the main character, then again I don't read books that I don't like the main character so..*shrugs*) First person is what I like most of all :)
No I do no think Alex is a Mary Sue she might be slightly overpowered but not too much honestly, (I am very much looking forward to TVD/TO Alexandra it's gonna be so fun!)
Your portrayal of characters is pretty decent I'd say(one thing though if you don't mind me saying, making your own way with these characters isn't a bad thing, I'm not saying to change what everyone knows of a character but it makes them feel much more real to you and the reader if, where there isn't a lot of clarity on a character you make them a history, look into there personality, psychoanalyze them if you will, it breeds new understanding and creates a "new" person that most of the time is better than the original because they feel more realistic, I find this to be especially needed when dealing with twilight because all of the characters are very straightforward, which is something very rare for human behavior they only have a few basic emotions and anything out of that range is impossible, which doesn't make sense when considering vampires because they have lived such a long time and although I do understand the concept of them being stuck, I disagree with it because they did change over the course of the twilight series with big things happening but little things over time tend to change more underneath the surface and I have ranted far too long I apologize.)

I like your writing and think you can become a great writer one day, in time.

Yes I will absolutely check out your stuff on AO3

My favorite color is probably orange, but I actually quite like grey these days it seems to fit me more
Angelicsailor chapter 9 . 3/26/2017
That would be a hilarious Halloween
Angelicsailor chapter 7 . 3/26/2017
Daniqueenb chapter 10 . 1/6/2017
I really like this so far. When are we going to get introduced to the wolves? How is Bella coping not being the center of attention?
Debbie Hicks chapter 10 . 1/2/2017
Chapter 11.
that BLACKED OUT wHEN REAWAKEN aH aLEX WELCOME TO vOLTERRA THEN sCREAMED we found newest recrult master meet this Vampire then in time KILLED AS ALL OF PEOPLE TORE INTO THEN DRAINEDD Then the screams was heard came too late shattering then more Both blood then Gulped then Welcome to the Volturi we found you a mate Marcus then it really happened was my sp,it self then suddenly too late remarried him then Alice found me deceased but dressed in my robes of a Queen oh my god what on her neck Auryn yes but it shattered like a Volturi queen's necklace who turn her created you tell us this one brokje as all of law hid a Rouge one Felix destroy her themwith her EXECUTED wITH Best friends with her with galactic allies witnesses with both then came a shattering rip then BLAZED! Then popped screaming then then NUKED! Then freed of the bodies then came them with the bodies Masters she is Dead but with her created your heirs with them have adopted kids good then it came too late traspped in here then burst frely then it was too late was resurrected so they still a Vampire so they but preferred as Kindred and Galactic Lycans with imprints had donated kids from here they too are inhuman then canme we Adapt but first she turned us into this blissed us with powers then it came too late blown from here taught trained them my progeny to hunt to klill to slay made then blasting wiyth us them wrre as all of the recrults more than as all bound had a power myself with them blasting from in my holloween robes that crashing now a Kingdom was made then blasting us/them from here was different crashing from the bodies wearing hollween robes as all of them crashed freed popped then suddenly Bella letting go her feral hissing so us unified then blazing popped from here Vanished from here infected by a strain of it came too late were Starfleet stronger thanbefore the bodies in the lab killed then suddenly no longer alive undead was regenerating in a coffin resting then with them blacked outside freed fropm help then suddenly was out from here then it caused as all of bite marks then news of us/them forge a Kingdom of both so as all of them reappeared using our gifts but the bodies as all of them deported then suddenly exploding more guards dismembered as all of them met mates married as all of them in time more than as all of them destroyed more heirs to the Volturi throne destroyed caused more than all of them tomarry now news of us/them we were dressed in robes holy crap Bella you look hideous Agh! We are Vampires she turned us Alice what is spit it out they are coming of her defection not from here but here.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/29/2016
Good story.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/6/2016
I love this story!
Half Alien chapter 9 . 6/18/2016
Ok, I really, really enjoyed this one. You ROCK!
Guest chapter 8 . 6/7/2016
Please, update soon!
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