Reviews for Cold Heart
Guest chapter 6 . 5/9
This is so sweet! I'm excited for some Jaken/Inuyasha interactions!
EvilAngelofHeavenandHell chapter 6 . 3/4
Very impressive so far. I would request you update quickly before this Sesshomaru fan disembowel you. But as I'm too learning to like hanyou's and some humans that remind me of such, I'll refrain.

Still, please do update. Very promising story and it's been awhile since I've been able to read a real decent one. Pulling on my heartstrings here, not as icy as Sesshosama, but close enough! Please update, or be warned of evisceration.

No, no, just kidding. Lol please update.
KiaraNxiar chapter 6 . 2/22
This is one of the best Inuyasha fiction I have read in awhile. It's really good, I love it. Very well written, very few writer can actually portray Sesshoumaru so accurate and you did an excellent job. It bothers me very much when people write Sesshoumaru doing a one eighty, be very friendly and accepting of Inuyasha and humans when it's not in his nature. The way you wrote him gradually accepting Inuyasha seems more natural to his character, not to mention it makes more believable and very entertaining. Looking forward to an update very much and cannot wait to read more!
Thank you for sharing!
Kiochii chapter 6 . 2/22
Pfft my money is on Jaken just being a masochist. But that’s my personal opinion.
ldsandctr chapter 6 . 11/2/2019
I like where you are taking this story and I can't wait to read what happens next. So keep it up.
Hi chapter 6 . 10/23/2019
hi, love it so far but I do hope that you are going to update one day and that I don't lose the link to this story.
Fairygirl34 chapter 6 . 10/23/2019
I want you to know that I am so happy you updated this! There are so few good Inu brother bonding find out there and yours is definitely one of the best I've read! I had favorited this months ago and I forgot, but when I saw that this updated, I was like "Oh yeah! This story was great! I need to read it again!" So I am definitely happy that it's not abandoned!
wolfluv chapter 6 . 10/21/2019
SO FAR SO GOOD! looking forward to more! Thank YOU for sharing!
Alannada chapter 6 . 10/21/2019
What? I caught up? No, I want to read more!
This story is awesomely written and deserves a;; the love
Alannada chapter 5 . 10/21/2019
I know it's two minor things, but I like how the old tree uses the 'seedling' and such to refer to them. And the second thing - I always prefer the 'Tessaiga' over the 'Tetsusaiga'.
Alannada chapter 4 . 10/21/2019
I adore this story. It's a lovely read
inuchara2511 chapter 6 . 10/20/2019
You know whith all your cannon about alphas, betas nad youkais, I can't quite feel to curios of how Seshomaru and Inuysha would react when Kikyo appears and tries to show Inuyasha the good things of his human half, I feel excited of what will come next, you are doing a great job
inuchara2511 chapter 5 . 10/14/2019
Woow, it was a surprise to see this history updated that I have to reed all the fanfic again to remember what was happening, and now I remember this history is very cute please don't leave us for too long 3
Zoeeeee chapter 4 . 10/6/2019
I am glad you decided to write more chapters for this story. Your portrayal of Sesshomaru and InuYasha is very enjoyable to read. I look forward to chapter 6!
Guest chapter 5 . 10/2/2019
I remember there being guards in the background when sesshomaru went to visit his mother
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