Reviews for 2015 Holiday Challenge Bonanza - Uncensored
Guest chapter 12 . 9/2/2018
Hi, I found this story to read and I must admit, some chapters I practically burst into flames, they were so hot. Oh I also follow you on Twitter. My Twitter name is BonesLover7566. Now I'm off to read another of your stories.
Guest chapter 12 . 3/21/2018
Perfect chapter. Sweet, hot, funny, romantic. Everything this reader could wish for. Thank you very much.
anne1585 chapter 12 . 3/19/2018
Congratulations on finally completing your story. I love that Booth & Brennan have Christmas family traditions and that she is able to put aside her unease about the holiday for the benefit of her husband & children who all love Christmas and not wanting to disappoint or upset them. The image of them snuggled together and Brennan's realisation that this is what she's wanted all along but was too stubborn to admit it. Well done.
554Laura chapter 1 . 3/19/2018
somehow I missed this chapter, but it's hilarious...
FaithinBones chapter 12 . 3/19/2018
I loved that you brought the footies into the story and turned innocent sleepwear into so much more. Thank you for completing your story. I always look forward to your stories popping up in my notifications
doge chapter 12 . 3/19/2018
We can have Christmas stories all around the year if they are like this. And it is really cold here in Germany so it fits.
kareneb chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
I am not sure whether I read first 11 episodes but I like this last chapter. It is a great Christmas story. Merry Christmas!
ZinaR chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
Loved it. Cuteness all the way!
GalaxieGurl chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
Ah what a nice surprise for a Sunday afternoon when I finally got our errant internet connection re-established and working consistently. Stupid little modem thingy keeps falling behind our computer desk/bookcase due to a slightly too short cord. The multi-socket power strip finally gave up the ghost after several years of faithful service. Hafta go out and buy another, but I'm determined to catch up on my reading first! I'm too hot-natured for footie PJ's but the mental image of the Booth family in matching holiday sleepwear is enchanting indeed. This is a perfect warm fluffy Christmas chapter! No matter what the season is outside! Out here the wind is definitely sweeping down the plain today, so rest assured you're not the only folks enduring a blustery weekend!
aadams00 chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
I thoroughly enjoyed a little bit of holiday cheer in March. Thank you!
554Laura chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
A wonderful chapter. Even though it's almost Spring we can still celebrate Christmas all year round.
Lauwy chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
Looking out of the window kind of makes me feel like it is near Christmas haha, so even though we are about 4 months further, your story came at the second best time XD. I loved the picture you created with words in this chapter. B&B are so adorable, living the family life. And damn that was steamy haha!
MstgSzy chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
Traditions all over the place in this chapter in the very best of ways. I particularly liked how we were treated to Brennan's thoughts even as she was participating and reinforcing the Brennan-Booth family Christmas traditions. I also really liked the idea that Brennan could tell that Booth was relaxed by the fact that his fingers were not moving-that seemed very real and true to his character-not to mention that she was aware of it. The tangential stream of consciousness about his fingers was simply icing on the cake! The mental picture you provided of Hank tucked on Brennan's lap and Christine and Booth snuggled into her side was just perfect. And finally...Red is absolutely a good color on Booth! Thanks for persevering with this story-it was worth the wait.
chanevlovesbones chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
Loved this one! Your stories alway help with my bones withdrawals! I hope you’ll update your others stories as well sometime soon. Thanks for this update:):)
angelena76 chapter 12 . 3/18/2018
Lovely opening. Esp enjoyed Brennan’s musings about herself. Hot, hot, hot ending.
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