Reviews for When the Jig is Up
Guest chapter 6 . 7/24
I like the fact that Hermione didn't just roll over but fought this for 2 years. Enjoying it so far xx
shadowfax00 chapter 6 . 7/23
I adore a good Harry/Hermione friendship, and you've got that down so well. I'm glad to see Draco trying to fit into her world and making the first moves to extend the metaphorical olive branch. Thanks for the update!
SpaceKace chapter 6 . 7/19
I reread it all again from chapter 4! This is just such a fun story. And I’m really enjoying your characters! Thanks for the extra info on the house elves at the end. That was interesting! I hope Hermione cuts Draco a little slack - I mean he has a life too. Cheers! I can’t wait for the next chapter!
DaOnLeeSam chapter 6 . 7/16
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16
Love your writing style!
Kellsabelle chapter 6 . 7/17
I’m loving this story, really looking forward to the next chapter! Thank you for writing!
UNCPanda chapter 6 . 7/17
I love this. I love how you write draco, and I love that you’re showing Hermione isn’t okay. That the side effects of the war a really real thing!
SkyRose16 chapter 6 . 7/17
Yeah hermione’s reaction was completely understandable. I’m so curious to see how their relationship will progress!
SkyRose16 chapter 5 . 7/17
Ohh noooo! Great chapter!
SkyRose16 chapter 4 . 7/16
Oh I am dying to hear hermione’s POV! Great chapter!
SkyRose16 chapter 3 . 7/16
Yay! Draco time!
SkyRose16 chapter 2 . 7/16
I knew he was going to say Malfoy (because I chose to read a dramione fic), but after the chapter...I was eNrAgEd to read his name. Lol!

Great chapter!
gumselund chapter 6 . 7/16
Grovek26 chapter 6 . 7/15
Great chapter
Totally Spazz-tastic chapter 6 . 7/15
Poor poor hermione... I’m excitedly waiting for the obligatory scene where Draco tracks down her parents and pays for the healers!
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