Reviews for The Thread That Binds
Godsliltippy chapter 1 . 8/10
Oh wow! Somehow I missed this in my many fic readings! This was amazing and beautiful! I love how we get to see Virgil's personality through Gordon's perspective! I love the fish, but he's even better when with his bros (especially Virgil)! Thanks so much for this!
gammadolphin chapter 1 . 2/15/2017
What a lovely character study. I really enjoyed this - some great development of Gordon's character as well as the place that Virgil has in his brother's lives. Those two tend to get overlooked a lot, so it was great to see such a good story that focused on them. Thank you for writing it!
ShadowDragonPhoenix chapter 1 . 4/27/2016

This story so perfectly explains Virgil, who has been my favourite since forever when we used to watch the original Thunderbirds.
Sender chapter 1 . 4/27/2016
Aww. I think this basically summed up why Virgil was always my favourite:
Alice chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
I almost didn't read this because John wasn't tagged and I was afraid you would just leave him in space... But I'm glad I read it anyway because this was great!

Thanks for writing it!

P.S I think Gordon was pretty good giving the glow cave at nature discovery 5 whole minutes. It was more like wander in / oooh pretty / 10 seconds later wander out again because there were other things to see... :p
Kirsten chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
Beautiful. :) And beautifully written!
ChampionTheWonderSnail chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
Oh gosh, you've done it again: taken all the possible feels in the universe and compressed it into a ficlet that is so incredibly beautiful it draws me back in to read again and again, reliving the wonderful moments between the brothers. The imagery of the threads joining the brothers is gorgeous, as is the way you get into their heads; especially Gordon and Virgil.

I need to hug this fic and bring it out in winter to keep the cockles warm. Thank you for sharing :)
ScribeOfRED chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
YOU. YOU PROBABLY NEED TO BE STOPPED. (In other words, definitely not.) I already yelled, but here, have some more yelling.

Time. Gordon and time. I think that's one of my favorite parallels ever and you just... you wrote it so well. All those details. aaaaAAAAA

Your use of threads as imagery is stunning. I love how you've woven—ha—all of the characters together, and then tied everything off at the end with Virgil. Also. Your John. Interacting with your Gordon. Is just. I can't. I want a million pages of them talking. A trillion. Right now. 'Kay? *taps foot*

You say you struggle writing Virgil but I refuse to believe you. Your Virgil is incredible—he is the most kind, the most selfless, the most understanding. Where do I sign for my SS!Virgil? Because I need one.

*flails at you* This fic is just the best, okay? The best. I doubt I'll read anything better before the turn of the new year, and I'm totally okay with that. You did an INCREDIBLE job on this!
celery-stiff chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
Omg I read this story on Tumblr today and I absolutely LOVED it. When I got an update from I was like, "Holy shit! This is the same person!" Please keep updating new stories because I love your writing. *love heart eyes* Lol, I hope that didn't sound creepy :s Keep up the great work! :)