Reviews for Blue Eyes: Unfilled Lives
Eragonfan33 chapter 13 . 5/20/2018
This story has definitely been going well, glad to see it, I look forward to how it goes in the future!
Universoul Star chapter 13 . 4/2/2017
After devouring the small bits of Blue Eyes and reading all of Blue Eyes 2.0, I havta just The growth and changes in your writing style is pretty remarkable to say the very least. It's a pretty amazing to see how characters react with one another and how well you blend your OC's with cutscenes. I will admit though, there were a few moments where it seemed like it was forced (such as Gemini placing the items in the Temple) integration and wouldn't mind actually hearing about how those holes are gonna get filled. If you can't do it now, that's completely fine and I'll even accept it being answered in PM as well. I've also noticed that you kind of go back and forth from 3rd-Person omniscient to 3rd-Person limited; adding in extra details from Jak's backstory during moments with him and Jessie or just small moments with him. Other than that, it's pretty great. I'm gonna be giving this a fave and follow and long with your account because I'm interested in what else you have in store. Keep on keepin' on and I hope to really enjoy more!
Guest chapter 13 . 2/24/2017
As crazy as it sounds I have a theory...

I think the precursors/ottsels made the darkmakers as some kind of sick amusement...after all...every story needs a villian in order for a hero to rise...also don't you find it strange that the darkmakers look more like the supposed precursors...which also bring the question...are the precursors even real precursors? I mean if they have all this power why don't they use it to save the world instead of relying on others...

Also what they said in the 3 game kinda brings the question...when one elder was like "we are the most powerful beings in the world" then the other ottsel was like "we are?" And the elder shuts him up...that is very suspicious to makes me think that their not even the real precursors.
UltimateGamer101 chapter 13 . 2/23/2017
Indeed :3 hopefully my knowledge and speculations are of assistance to you )
UltimateGamer101 chapter 12 . 12/7/2016
Ooh haven't seen an update from this in a while. Good to see one )
According to a game guide for Jak 3 with some bonus info, Gol and Maia ended up somewhere in the Catacombs in the Wasteland. I don't recall where exactly, but the amount of old dark eco found in the areas connected to the Wasteland makes sense- darkness being attracted to darkness. Adding some speculation, it makes even more sense, given the fact that the Dark Maker crashed into the Wasteland for the final battle, and the Dark Satellites all landed in that area.
JaneValentine007 chapter 10 . 9/4/2016
Lol when playing on the PS2, I actually had two auto firing controllers, two disks of game shark (maybe one was broken P), and two books full of cheats FOR EVERY GAME XD. I don't actually use the cheats, I still have no idea why I have two disks of Jak 2s, lol its odd. (We had many broken controllers XD)
Guest chapter 11 . 7/7/2016
Uh ho...why...why would umbra do this? Okay i know...(i read the chapter) but is umbra that stupid? I meam dealing with something unknow and powerful for your own selfish deeds is never a good thing...and it never ends well.
UltimateGamer101 chapter 11 . 7/6/2016
Kor x Maia? O-O most interesting. I've seen Gol x OC post-3 before, but not really ships involving Maia.
Hmm... Upon consideration, I'd count that as a ship. Yeah. Maia is harsh and cruel, with a devious intelligence that Metalhead Leader Kor would likely respect in a human. Kor is sneaky and powerful, attributes that would attract Maia in her desire for more power. A Dark Eco Sage and a Dark-filled Metalhead Leader would most definitely make a good power couple.
Guest chapter 10 . 7/3/2016
Lol i love jessie and jamies interraction, its very humorous. :)
UltimateGamer101 chapter 10 . 7/3/2016
I actually played the Jak games out of order too, except I started with 3 and then did TPL and then II xD
Ashelin x Torn is one of my ships for the series. I don't like how they made Keira's presence less in the 3rd game, but at least they brought her back in TLF. (*gasps of shock are heard* /someone who actually likes The Lost Frontier is here, run away!/)
UltimateGamer101 chapter 9 . 7/2/2016
I'm looking forward to more chapters from this. I haven't read a Jak and Daxter story with such additions before, with the Ecolians and the Unfilled, and I quite like that you used the actual named for the Metalheads xD
Update this soon please :3
Guest chapter 9 . 6/11/2016
Ya..jessie is right...also is it just me but i feel that the whole sitaution was just some sick entertaiment for the precursos aka the ottsels.
rosewhip889 chapter 9 . 6/10/2016
Good chapter! I watched my younger sister play the game-she snatched my controller out of my hand the controller-stealing shit head-and when we saw Ashelin, even my younger sister said what a bitch! Anyway, off topic.
Love the chapter! Can't wait to read the next one.
rosewhip889 chapter 8 . 5/2/2016
Awesome chapter. I have the game, but I've never been able to get past the one mission where you have to escort the Kid and his crocodog; kept getting caught by the Krimson Guard. Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Shinigami.txt chapter 7 . 4/20/2016
This story is making me happy, ahahha. Can't wait for the next update! Keep up the good work!
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