Reviews for 63 Ficlets for Chell and Wheatley
thefirebreathingkitty chapter 57 . 5/9/2017
you're so close to 101 stories I believe in you. these are amazing btw
Guest chapter 60 . 10/22/2016
You can make it to 101, I believe in you!
Captain Tineye chapter 60 . 8/19/2016
Oh my gosh! These ficlets are so good! I'm glad to see that the Portal fandom is still active! I love how well written this is!
Kashimalin chapter 60 . 8/1/2016
Reply to our Guest Users!
JustAGuest: See ficlet #59! Totally based on yours because I had some ideas I was forced to scrap.
L: This is absolutely true.
Guest: I will try to do these more consistently! I need to finish my friend's gift. We have 41 more to go and I know I can make it to the end! (also, yes, the cores are always there. Always!)
Guest chapter 58 . 7/29/2016
GLaDOS and cores are there even when they're not there.
Guest chapter 56 . 7/8/2016

And wow they really did meet thanks to a power outage, didn't they? u

So glad to see you're doing these again~!
L chapter 39 . 6/18/2016
Only the best otp's can make one person tying a tie seem like a feat of excellence in the other's eyes~
JustAGuest chapter 53 . 5/9/2016
I have an idea for a prompt, if you'd be interested in writing it? Since Wheatley doesn't do a lot of things a human can do, what would his reaction be to seeing Chell bleeding for the first time? Like he'd think she was "leaking" or something. (sorry if this sucks, I just thought it sounded interesting ;v; Love this by the way!)
Kashimalin chapter 53 . 5/2/2016
Reply time again!
Lady Isludis: Wheatley WOULD at cats, and please don't choke - I'd rather not be responsible for that... :P
Guest: Hi you're like the most loyal person ever to this story. Thank you so much. Flashback chapters are great! If you like 'em, except more... :)))
Tribal: OH BOY WHAT A QUESTION MY BUDDY-O FRIEND-O. This musical is called "Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical". It was written, directed, and performed by a Canadian group called the Geekenders (Who are all absolutely fab and amazing). The ENTIRE musical's on YouTube, so I highly suggest that you go watch it right now! Drop everything! Why are you still reading this reply?!
Tribal chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
WOW! These are so cute! But I think I have a problem. In one week I read Blue Sky, this, and replayed Portal 2. But what is this musical people are talking about? It seems interesting.
Guest chapter 53 . 4/27/2016
Heeeey wow it's kinda nice to have a flashback chapter of sorts. Return to our roots, you know? :3
You'll be singing a different tune soon enough Wheaterz, you got no IDEA.

And wow, hello, I missed that last couple apparently. Nice! I liked the angel line in the ghost AU, and snuggling with a movie is always a great time XD. (I mean… snuggling with each other while you WATCH a movie, not… snuggling with the movie istelfYOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.)
But the one about waking up was the cutest of all I think. Sleepy morning kissus~
Guest chapter 49 . 4/22/2016
D'aww, lucky Chell. She got kisses from a cute dog AND it's cute owner
Guest chapter 48 . 4/20/2016
Guest chapter 47 . 4/1/2016
D'oh, that's our Wheatley~ *sitcom music* XP
Lady Isludis chapter 44 . 3/30/2016
"Look at this cat!"

lol you know he would xD
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