Reviews for Genius Hidden in the Leaves
paink1ller chapter 2 . 8/8
I find this could a very interesting story, I like it so far from just these two chapters.

Hope the future gives more chapters
The Grand Dragon of Light chapter 2 . 7/4
As a fan of Naruto 'in general' but not necessarily the official canon, basically I hate how an innocent boy is abused to near death and still smiles about it and wants to protect the jerks who made his life hell. It just isn’t a good lesson to teach to kids “you can be an ass to someone every day of their life but it’s okay because they’re a good person who will fight for you no matter how bad they’re mistreated” ... and it’s not just Naruto either, Hizashi’s died to protect Hiashi because he rightfully murdered his daughter’s attempted kidnapper! Yes-yes impending war etc, but it still sucks! Sorry got off-track here:

That’s why I *love* stories like this, Naruto is able to right a wrong, albeit accidentally, and the lives of others are better for it including his own!

Seriously I never once considered this possibility for Hinata’s kidnapping, and that’s why it’s genius: it’s blatantly obvious to a child but not the supposedly smarter adult-ninjas! Child-like innocence saves the day!

Anyway, I really love this fic and thanks for writing it :)
Guest chapter 2 . 6/14
I really wanna see how this turns out pls continue it
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22
I don't see audacity here... Facts are facts, plain and simple and the simple FACT was that a NINJA (a much OLDER ninja) had kidnapped a six year old girl FOR THE EXPRESS PURPOSE of multiple rape! THAT'S JUST A FACT! I don't care how you spin it, or dress it up in other words... THAT WAS THE END GOAL. There is no way, kumo DOESN'T come out looking completely DISGUSTING.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22
Um for the fate of hinata, YEAH "pervert" sounds like a good enough description! She's SIX for crying out loud... Yet "breeding a new generation of hyuuga" was what they thought about... THAT'S PERVERSE! (not to mention completely DISGUSTING!) The "plan" should have been aborted before it even began! -I say plan with quotes because you have to admit... IT SUCKED! How did he even FIND hinata? Are the hyuuga so stupid as to let their heiresses be seen to foreigners?-
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22
The hokage's "plan" his "audicity"?... ROFL LUCK.. That's all he had that MORON couldn't figure his way out of a paper bag! His STUPIDITY.. Is the only thing that saved him!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22
"God of shinobi" ROFL.. No wonder all the people seem atheists... ROFL... I'd sign my soul to the devil before I believed in THAT IDIOT!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22
But then hiruzien is kinda a SPINELESS COWARD and a REALLY, REALLY WEAK hokage, and Tsunade isn't a WHOLE lot better.. Being kinda weak willed too and kinda PATHETIC really.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/22
Tusnade NEEDS her drink, or Hiruzen NEEDS his pipe? KINDA PATHETIC HOKAGES don't you think?
Guest chapter 1 . 5/22
This is EXACTLY the same thing as the first chapter... WTF.. I mean ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE... THIS WAS A WASTE OF TIME.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21
Him and danzo should just be IGNORED and send to "assessed living" somewhere else, because they are way too OLD and SENILE to do ANYTHING for the village. (danzo should have got that... his window to become hokage had PASSED.. He's NOW just an OLD MAN everyone makes fun of!)
Guest chapter 2 . 5/21
the professor of WHAT?.. How NOT to do things?.. This guy is the biggest TWIT in all of anime (and yeah I know a lot of them, but this guy takes the cake of being completely STUPID!)... He's on a MORON level that all OTHER bad guys wish they were.. (so they weren't bad-guys)... This dumb fucker.. is so delusional.. u gotta wonder if it's "age dementia"...
Guest chapter 2 . 5/21
"never lost it"? HE NEVER "HAD" it... He's a worthless piece of human waste... I total COWARD in every SINGLE sense of the word! A worthless piece of TRASH... EVERYONE (naruto, minato, kushina, the clan heads) ALL of them should consider him LESS then UTTER GARBAGE!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/21
Why are "Abbot and Costello" given ruling places? These idiots seem so stupid they couldn't hold a house of cards together! I'd think the other villages' would have "iced" them long ago! Nobody this dumb deserves to lead ANYTHING!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/21
U gotta move stuff along a LOT faster.. at 10 he's a JOUNIN VETERAN... at 14 KAGE... 16 GOD...
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