Reviews for The Sensation of Falling
Animegod 197 chapter 5 . 6/18/2017
You are an amazing writer. This was wonderful.
Milkyrosebud chapter 5 . 4/7/2017
Wait. There's a sequal?
heyarnoldfangirl chapter 5 . 3/10/2017
Lovely story. This really brought out the inner 'helga' in me. She was lucky here though, the letters that I got were indeed pranks. I'm really happy though that in this story, Helga got the happy ending.
Sarcasm for free chapter 5 . 2/21/2017
This is so incredibly beautiful. While reading this story I cried four times, once every chapter from number two to five. Your insight into Helga's mind is devastating, because it's just so accurate. Helga is disillusioned and naively hopeful at the same time, no wonder with everything her experiences are telling her. And you captured that wonderfully. In a world without TJM, I firmly believe, your story is how it would have been between Helga and Arnold. It's perfect.
Wake up chapter 5 . 1/10/2017
Are you still alive?
SilentSnowLeopardNinja chapter 5 . 12/28/2016
Auuuugghhhhh this was sooo nice! Where the fuck is that sequel?! I needs to read it now! Onwaaards to your profile!
Missmybcmiyuki chapter 5 . 12/15/2016
Never have five chapters felt so long (in a good way of course)

While reading it felt like It was over too fast and yet now that I'm done It feels like the last page of a thick and well written book.

Through it all I don't know who was more of a roller coaster of emotions, me or Helga.

After binge reading Arnold and Helga fics all month I can say for sure that THIS gave me all I wanted and more.

The best way I can express what I feel is with a classic Helga sigh as she daydreams about her beloved.
miladyswords chapter 3 . 12/4/2016
Had to re-read a chapter after I realised the sequel wasn't out yet. I really hope you haven't given up on it because this story is so incredibly wonderful. Phoebe and Helga's relationship is so incredibly wonderful. The tension between Arnold and Helga...sighs
miladyswords chapter 5 . 12/4/2016
Reading this long after it was finished, but by God it was so great. I had to reread Arnold's letters to Helga. They were so incredibly romantic and your writing is amazing. I hope one day I can write like you. Once again, this was AMAZING!
IHTRD chapter 1 . 10/22/2016
I read this fic on ao3 and was absolutely floored. 8 recently started rewatching the series because of how excited I became that the jungle movie is in production and I started looking up fics. I came across this one, and I was so impressed with your characterizations of arnold and helga as individuals and how their relationship to each other develops. I can see that insecurity of Helga not believing arnold could ever love her intensifying and being brought to such a point where she tries not to even think about him because it has been years and she's tough on herself. Meanwhile, all that time, arnold is undergoing some serious growth and coming into his own and really seeing helga for who he is. My legit favorite thing you have arnold tell helga is that she drives him crazy. it blows me that arnold could feel such strong negative emotions for helga in his childhood (albeit not evil but definitely doesn't like her) and then as he grows he is so intensely and passionately in love with her. He knows her and doesn't easily back down because she is who he loves. And I love it cause Helga deserves that kind of cherishing and passion to be returned to her. She's so unused to any sweetness and Arnold is so patient. She was able to grow past her insecurities and accept him, and it's the toughest thing she ever could do. I just, I'm so impressed. Your writing is phenomenal and this is definitely my favorite story of yours.
HarleyyJay28 chapter 5 . 10/12/2016
This was terribly great and not drawn out. Just the right amount of anticipation and the ending was absolutely superb. Terribly romantic. Please for the love of all that is proper just POST THE SEQUEL! I KNOW you've got at least a good chunk of the idea down you're a writer you wouldn't say sequel if you had no intention of one please put us all out of our respective miseries and bless us with your work *sobs* please.
SL10 chapter 5 . 10/11/2016
Firstly, that cafeteria scene was one of the sweetest yet most down-to-earth scenes I've come across in a HA story in a long time. Speaking for the story itself, I've seen Helga represented in various edgy ways when it comes to high school life, but this one was one of my favorite "high school Helgas", her stubborn resolve dwindling from the moment she gets the first note to the very end, awesome character evolution, and Phoebe... oh my God. I hope that she gets at least one fluffy scene with Gerald in part II, because she deserves it so much.

Also thought it interesting that here Arnold was described as having brown eyes, which I find quite fitting for some reason. The green eyes everyone else gives him might be more canonical, considering his cosmic link to the green eyed people in the series universe and all, but I can totally get behind your idea.

To wrap up, I will add this one to my collection of favorites, love your work and I hope to see some more of it in the Hey Arnold listings later on.
SL10 chapter 2 . 10/10/2016
I don't normally leave reviews when I still have chapters left to read, but the author note caught my eye. Jesus, if this was you out of practice as you said, I can't imagine the kind of material you can put together if you're feeling in the zone.

I'm thoroughly enjoying the story so far. Love your work.
gardenOFeden777 chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
WHERE'S PART TWO! I'm dying for a kiss. Seriously, one more chapter will do, I pretty! *starts scratching arm* I NEED MY FIX! ...or in this case, my fics!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/19/2016
A fantastic read! You really have a great handle on the characters and your use of words is wonderful. Anxiously awaiting the second part.
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