Reviews for Another Side
HinataSoup chapter 3 . 7/27/2018
The sensei and student moment is cute
LizzD254 chapter 1 . 4/7/2018
i mean toboe was right about the boyfriend part since she ended up with miho and all
MilkkTea chapter 2 . 2/25/2017
this isnt supposed to hurt this much ;;;;
Wicked Neko chapter 3 . 12/20/2016
AAAWWWW THAT BIT AT THE END WAS SUPER CUTE! I want more of this! Can you write a chapter on Namie's current cooking skills in the story? She could have lunch with Hiroto by that koi pond or something.
Wicked Neko chapter 2 . 12/20/2016
Huh I never thought Namie was an actual precious person for her... I thought she was mostly an annoying friend that was nice to have around? That sounds a bit mean to me but Suzume's envy is pretty clear.

I look forward to more snippets!
Wicked Neko chapter 1 . 12/19/2016
KASUGAAAAA! Oh wow I miss him so much. He did NOT deserve to go like he did... maybe something could've developed between him and Namie? That just makes me sad for the lost possibility. :(
Good Omens chapter 3 . 3/27/2016
Aaaahhhh, why can't Namie be real damn it-
Good Omens chapter 2 . 3/27/2016
This friendship is so good for Namie, really, it'd be awesome to see more of it. Especially when it's just the two of them.
Good Omens chapter 1 . 3/27/2016
Damn. Why do I ship Namie with people that die? I blame you for everything. Or at least this one. It's too cute. I'm definitely placing Namie and Kasuga right under my love for Namie and Sakumo.
Yula chapter 3 . 2/11/2016
Hiroto you jerk... T_T Your team needs you, snap out of it. Can't you see Namie sees you as a father figure and you're really hurting her by closing her out now? Namie, if you survive long enough, maybe you'll have better luck bonding with Konohamaru...and maybe your cooking will improve by then.
Yula chapter 2 . 2/11/2016
You know...I'm really afraid something will happen to Toboe some day. He's the only of their group that you made up and wasn't a side character from the anime (well besides Namie and Kasuga and look at what happened to him). I hope you keep him around.
Yula chapter 1 . 2/11/2016
This is really cute. We can see more of Toboe's crush here...even if he won't admit it. And do I detect a hint of Kasuga/Namie as well? Ugh, makes his passing harder to bare.
shelwyn chapter 3 . 12/15/2015
Oh gosh this chapter was so cute gaahhhhhh cute sappy kitchen sponge such good stuff wow th is was nice. Ahh this one was definitely worth reading.
shelwyn chapter 2 . 12/15/2015
Cute cute have more reviews. Maybe these will get others to read them. Add a note about your side stories to the main fic so this gets more views.
shelwyn chapter 1 . 12/15/2015
Oh neat calling her cute then ugly hah and her team mate is still alive wow
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