Reviews for Asuka and Homura: Engagement to Marriage
UniverseClassLegend chapter 14 . 9/25/2018
Now that they live happily ever after, will you please make a fanfic in which Asuka and Homura have kids? Pretty please? It would be a great way to start the next generation!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 14 . 3/3/2018
Well, well, my friends~

Haaah, Butler-san said pretty much everything that's to be said about this whole tale in general, but as for my~2 cents here...this was wonder~ful~! *W*

The simple yet wonderful lives of Asuka and Homura some years down the line~ They've only gotten more beautiful and sweeter and more affectionate with each other, no doubt 'bout it~! *O*

Sure, yes, their shinobi days are kind of behind them, but that's Ok. Their love is stronger than ever~

And the shenanigans~ Ohhh the shenanigans of silly Asuka, who just can't stay still through one movie~ LOL That girl, I swear. *W*

And then...well, things kinda~escalate. ;3 Ohhh hoooh they escalate so~good! *O* Dayum, that was...hoh damn~ That was so beautiful, that impromptu make-out session and then, those sweet, sweet, heartwarming declarations of love~ *O* Wonderful~

Outstanding work! It's been some journey, you two~! *O* Mission Complete!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Rashaan Butler chapter 14 . 3/2/2018
Well, this was a very beautiful, emotional ride with Senran Kagura's premiere couple. Having read the entire thing, I must say that the joys and pains of two people who decides to pledge their lives to making each other happy was explored very thoroughly. From the proposal, to coming out to their friends and family, to their fears and concerns for the future, to the plans for their eventual Nuptuals, to the little dates inbetween, to the day of happiness, to the honeymoon, and finally a small look at their future lives together. Everything was explored with real emotion and stark humanity. You can't help but feel for these two wonderful Senran maidens as they go through the ups and downs of two people who truly love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together.

Yuri-chan, you have done this romance proud. Take a couple of pats on the back and a glass of red wine in return.

Until next time, DA SAGA CONTINUES.

Peace out.
Major Mike Powell III chapter 13 . 2/16/2018
Well, well, my friends, sweet Yuri-chan and Jojo-san~

Hoo-rrah! 1st Review, Btches!

This. Was. Absolutely. Amazing~

This was wonderful, sweet, funny, plenty silly and delightful because of said silliness, and...(snickers) Ohhh hoooh this was truly written by you two~ ;3 Dat massage scene...hoooh that just *reeks~* of Jojo-san. ;3

And you, Yuri-chan~ Your sweet and cute and fluffy writing was the heart and soul of this chapter~ And...(snickers) ohhhh the "Titanic" reference never gets old~! *O* That was wonderful, Asuka on the bow and Homs behind her~

Also, I have~to mention: Asuka being so cute and happy and eager to try new things while Homs becomes a blushing and stuttering mess...XD That's soooooo~friggin' adowable, seeing the badass and cool and confident leader of the Crimson Squad reduced to...well, this~ XD It's absolutely wonderful~

And dat ending~ Ohhhh my God, dat ending. :'3 So~beautiful, so fluffy, so pretty, so serene and peaceful and bliss-inducing~ Asuka and Homura, clad in just their no doubt beautiful undies, snuggedl and cuddled together...haaaaaah~ *O*

This was amazing, you two~ Outstanding work! I have no idea how this story can get any better, but I'm sure you two will pull off that feat flawlessly!

Update ASAP! That's an order!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Ashuron of the Scarlet Scale chapter 12 . 1/26/2018
This chapter was everything I hoped it would be
Grandmaster Flow chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
This chapter gave me sweet and sugary xD GOOD JOB BRO
Major Mike Powell III chapter 12 . 1/24/2018
Well, well, my friends, oh Yuri-chan, oh Jojo-san~

Hoo-rrah! 1st Review, Btches~!

Haaaah~ (Swoons and sighs with utter satisfaction) Wow~ Hoooh wow~ *O*

This was soooo beautiful~ Oh my God, this was so beautiful. :'3 This wedding of the OG pairing of "Senran Kagura" is the stuff yuri dreams are made of. *O*

Asuka and Homura finally tying the knot together with a beautiful, love-pink bow~ Haaaah, so beautiful, so sweet, so heartwarming, so...(swoons)

This was awesome, you two. And best of all? It's not over yet! :D That's awe~some! Keep it up, you two!

Update ASAP! That's an order!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 11 . 12/16/2017
Well, well, my friends~

Hoo-rrah! 1st Review, Btches~!

Ohhh this was so sweet~ This was so, so~very sweet. So cute, so serene, relaxing, and just an overall incredibly soothing read. Just...haaaah~ *O*

Asuka, Homura, cuddling and snuggling and exchanging sweet, wonderful dialogue, with Asuka helping Homs overcome her almost crippling embarrassment of public affection~ *W* Dat vow by Homura...oh wow, I'm almost swooning here~! *O*

This was absolutely wonderful, and I know it can only get better~! :D Keep it up, you guys!
Update ASAP! That's an order!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
jojoDO chapter 10 . 10/30/2017
Wow, that fic was a double sided experience. First was the cute, fluffy, fun side at the beach. Sand and water and splashing ans sunscreen, which I thought was pretty romantic and a little hawt. I wish you had described the bikinis tho *_*

And then the second half got kind of solemn and serious, with those girls bad-mouthing Homura and Asuka stepping up to protect her. I'm impressed that you managed to give this chapter such variety and transition from fluff to serious in a snap.
jojoDO chapter 9 . 10/30/2017
Well it wasn't my fav chapter, but a necessary one. When it comes to fiction, especially fanfiction, these real-world issues aren't really something I'm comfortable approaching. I prefer to keep it as a fantasy; a world where things like that are just accepted without question.

But I'm not criticizing this by any means! The fact that you're willing to explore this subject means that you're a much bolder writer than I am. So kudos to you for doing this!
jojoDO chapter 8 . 10/30/2017

That had to be the cutest, sweetest, most lovely Q & A ever thought of. It ranged from what-ifs, to silly questions, to just clarifying that the two love each other and will never let each other go. Such a serene, precious moment for the two of them.
jojoDO chapter 7 . 10/30/2017
Good lord... sweetness aside, this chapter reminds me how long it's been since I've been to a nice steakhouse. I would say this chap made me hungry, but I just ate lol. This chapter just... made me wish for better food LOL

But anyways. This was so cute and sweet, especially with Homura wearing the tuxedo since she proposed. That was adorable!
jojoDO chapter 6 . 8/31/2017
Wow... so here I thought Haruka had bad intentions like usual, but she once again was just doing something nice. It's kinda strange seeing this side of her o_O

I wonder why she had to get the others involved tho lol. But whatevs, moving on now :)
jojoDO chapter 5 . 8/31/2017
Awww they took a bath together! And it wasn't the hot, sexy kind of bath. it was warm, intimate, romantic... just a cute kind of bath. I loved it ;D

I saw that coming a mile away xD yeah, what a terrible nightmare! When you love someone, you start to dream about losing them I guess. I wouldn't know lol
jojoDO chapter 4 . 8/31/2017
Awwwww geez, you are just cranking up the mush and sweetness to the max now. That was just an adorable train ride, right from the get-go. Awwww Homura called her "hun" *hearts in eyes*

Nice of Haruka to help out her teammate with romantic advice. What a wingman ;D
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