Reviews for Hiding in the Green
Max waspace chapter 6 . 7/20
If the Sole Survivor and this lady where in the same universe... the Minutemen would be unstoppable
sen whitefox mako red demon chapter 35 . 6/12
i am begging plz write moe plz
Hawkin's Chance chapter 35 . 4/24
I still come back to read this story again, everytime hoping that when I get to the end there will have been an update I missed...
BabyBashinBrooke chapter 35 . 4/24
Yoooo! You got some talent going on with this fic!

It's so hard to find a good read in the Fallout fandom, and when I do, it hasn't been updated in a year.

I hope your muse hasnt left you, because this story is fucking fantastic and I'd hate to see it float to the untouched dusky archives of ff. It deserves more!

Also, I understand sometimes the muse is dead and life must go on. I'll still be sad though, as I am personally under quarantine and really bored and my stories sustain me in this crappy time.

Annnnyyyywhoooo, I hope this story continues. I also hope Reina gets have a harem because I'm a pervert and also would like a diverse gene pool. (Reina babies errrryyyywherrrrreee! )

And I'm also a pervert and I want her to get laid.

Wish ya the best,

lolistarkiller chapter 35 . 4/15
I’m absolutely in love with this fanfic! Please please update it again soon!
SeleneMoon21 chapter 35 . 3/28
Please tell me this story will have an ending... it’s too good to be left like this! Please return!
hakunamafukit chapter 35 . 1/21
Love this fic! What a great way to revitalize the F4 world!
Mecharic chapter 35 . 11/11/2019
This... this is amazing. Definitely my favorite Fallout 4 fanfic to date. I love how you flat out point at the game story and say "haha, no" in the very first chapter. You basically take the world or setting and mostly disregard the plot of the whole thing. I do find it interesting that certain events happen anyway, but they happen in a realistic enough manner so as to be immersive. Never been a fan of Hancock myself (he's basically a mob boss) but this version of him is pretty solid and I can't say Raina/Hancock wouldn't be cute...

A part of me wants the story to end in a tragedy where Raina dies, but it's also heartwarming because her circle of friends make a promise to ensure her dream of a Green Commonwealth doesn't die with her (even Danse). But that's just me.

Anyway, I hope this continues rumbling forward (been most of a year since last update when I type this) because it's one I'm gonna keep an eye out for in the future.
passedTense chapter 1 . 8/18/2019
The protagonist’s name is “queen queen” lol
eragon95159 chapter 35 . 6/30/2019
Continue and update regrow move is created serum that turn inteligent ghouls into elves like in lotr(probaly sterile) .and more.
MrBright01 chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
This is a wonderful fic. Unlike many Fallout fics, rather than just running through the game, you've used it as a template and allowed the base premise to march on in its own way. Nicely done, and I hope it continues in the future.
dab-of-paint chapter 35 . 5/23/2019
God I love this fanfic!
And I was so goddamn happy that you went right at the HancockxRaina-Pairing that I'd hope for. Hope she doesn't have more regrets and that those two get their happy ever after.
Also, I love your writing style and what you made of this idea. I mean it makes perfect sense for people to want to enrich their environment with plants and have a better living standard with it. Also I love the way you include all the companions one after another and also that Hancock wants to travel with Nick and Raina and yeah, love it.
Thank you for sharing this piece of wonderful fiction with us! Hope you keep on writing :)
tears-of-silver chapter 35 . 5/12/2019
Logged into my account for the first time in like 6 years to leave a review lol! I really really love stories that don’t follow the plot line. I love when people take a universe and make it their own. I feel like you’ve done that beautifully here! I’m really hoping you’ll continue to update!
deathcombo99 chapter 35 . 4/7/2019
I love this fic. I went in curious. but I love it.
mionely.evans chapter 35 . 3/13/2019
Great chapter, as always!
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