Reviews for The Colors in Our Blood
Protecthelight chapter 9 . 8/16
Hi! It's already more than a year. Please don't abandon this fic. I love it very much.
Protecthelight chapter 1 . 8/4
Please update ️️
Yuzuki476 chapter 9 . 6/4
I love this amazing vampire Knight Story. Please update soon ️️️️️️
Yuzuki476 chapter 8 . 6/4
It's like mama kaien daddy Yagari big brother kaito and little sister Yuuki.
Yuzuki476 chapter 7 . 6/4
What the hell is that new hunter President and Rido kuran up to now? And am surprised that Rido didn't kidnapped Yuuki right then. Seriously kaito did you get zero drunk you moron?. Please keep updating this amazing story soon.
Yuzuki476 chapter 6 . 6/4
Honestly I don't blame Ruka and Aido for being angry with person hurt kaname and kaien with a bomb and the vampire guards and hunters coming to cross academy causing trouble. Good thing that Seiren and Takuma are helping poor kaname with the paperwork and am somewhat proud of day class fangirls students stood up to those hunters guards and putting them in their place for hurting zero like that. Kaname and kaien and Yagari and Kaito and even zero and Yuuki are not happy with hunter guards. Am glad that both zero and kaname are getting long with each other. Please keep updating this amazing story
Yuzuki476 chapter 5 . 6/4
Oh my god poor Yagari and Kaito and kaname and kaien and Siren and zero and Yuuki dealing with vampire council and hunter president and Ryo pissing match with each other and who bomb the damn cars and hurt the night class student and day class student?. I love the crazy kaien and Yagari and Kaito and zero and kaname and Yuuki and Siren moments in this story and the moment between kaname and zero is worth it.
Yuzuki476 chapter 4 . 6/4
Looks like Yagari and kaien and kaname are wary of the new hunter president and Vampire council coming to cross academy for a meeting which I don't blame them one bit. Man those fangirls students are really scary and crazy when it comes to the night class and poor zero and Yuuki and Sayori dealing with them and Aido every day poor souls but look on the bright side at least kaname and zero are talking.
Yuzuki476 chapter 3 . 6/4
Oh wow kaname and zero slept together because of the bond hmm maybe it's fate and who the moron hunter woke up Rido kuran up?. Rido kuran bad guy or good guy? And will there be a enemies coming for cross academy? and any updates for 2020?.
Yuzuki476 chapter 2 . 6/4
Well done with this chapter and when did kaname show concerned about zero and why did kaname bond zero to him?.
Yuzuki476 chapter 1 . 6/4
Thank you for making this this a Vampire Knight Story with kaname and zero. I really don't blame zero its not his fault for what happened to him and his family if anything it's Ichiru and Shizuka and kaname and the rest of the vampire race. Kaname can only think of himself and Yuuki what a selfish purebloods.
Guest chapter 9 . 5/27
Please update
Crazyjess09 chapter 9 . 4/26
Please update if possible
Guest chapter 9 . 12/3/2019
I love all the light-hearted interactions between the characters. It's ooc but it's also something that i
can imagine happening. The characters you create and and place in the story are amazing too. There not pointless, or over powered. They just serve there purpose and flesh the story out nicely. It's a shame this story isn't finished, I would have loved to read until the end.
wtf. this is so chapter 9 . 10/6/2019
fucking GOOODDD AAAAHH TO BAD i just read in 2019, and unfortunaly this is discontinue huhu QuQ. thanks, u make this. *kissukissuhug
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