Reviews for The Training Outtakes
BK2U chapter 10 . 2/29
Where is my sharp-tongued, nosy and intrusive Arlene? She almost sounds altruistic, which will totally ruin her image. LOL

I love Arlene!
BK2U chapter 9 . 2/28
Wheeeeeee! A walk through Blythe’s mind is no walk in the park, to be sure. I do understand her, but I don’t particularly care for her or have any sympathy for her. She’s a bitter, spiteful woman despite “having it all.”
BK2U chapter 8 . 2/28
I hate FFN and their crappy email system - I never got any notifications, so I had no idea these outtakes were here. That’s a shame, because Chris’s outtake is excellent! Well done, as you’ve perfectly captured her personality and thought patterns.
AnnLiberty chapter 9 . 2/7
Ooh, I get it now! Men marry women like their mothers (allegedly). Everly is like Pamela, the mother figure for Eric. Very clever.
Lexie313 chapter 11 . 12/5/2019
Interesting outtake, i've been reading this about ten times by now. You are good writer.
Classybird chapter 11 . 12/5/2019
I've been so looking forward to reading an outtake from Zander's POV and this was great. So thank you so much for writing this. He seems to really have it bad for Kat and I hope she feels the same way; rather than just using him as a means of getting through initiation. But I feel really sorry for Zander given the 18 carat gold b!tch that Kat is being to Eva. This is going to make for some interesting times going forward.

It's good to get more details on Harrison and his relationship with Eden, as well as being a father-figure to Zander. But sad that he just viewed people as being in his life and then leaving him, such as Everly. Talking of Everly, getting the inside scope on how her little brother views her, is a nice touch.
Sweetlatina chapter 11 . 12/4/2019
Yes! This was everything I didn’t think I needed. I can’t wait to read more.
TillyRosie chapter 11 . 12/3/2019
This really adds depth and gives us a better understanding of Zander’s feelings for Kat - that he is genuine in his love for her.
BK2U chapter 11 . 12/2/2019
Cute outtake! All we really knew of Zander’s personality was as a 4-year-old pain in Eric’s ass. This helps to flesh him out a bit, and I’m looking forward to reading more about his POV.
akells1018 chapter 11 . 11/30/2019
You know, Dauntless supermarkets are not a thing that has ever crossed my mind. And schools, where do all the pre-initiations kids go to school and hang out. So many places!

It’s so fun seeing Everly though Zander’s eyes, especially in contrast to Eric’s point of view.

“they were considerably gross with their affection” LOL I love how the 18-year-old is talking like an overgrown kid.

“Eric must have the patience of a saint.” Oh god this is such a brothery thing to say.

Interesting that Z doesn’t remember Hank.

He started by working on the trucks, ahh my emotionsss

“she also caught something else. Feelings.” This is hilarious. It just is.

Where Four was bitten by the rabid squirrel lmaoooo this one is great because of the layers upon layers it presents. What actually happened, or did he really get bitten by a rabid squirrel, where does Rylan’s version of events start/end?

I love that Zander draws all the ladies. Of course he would! Maybe it’s weird but I’m glad he had a good shag around the faction before settling down.

“She tried to take my shirt off while I was eating a cookie.” I don’t know why I love this. She’s got sex on her mind and he’s there om nom nomming a choco chip.

Yup yup I like this POV very much, super curious about how this all went down, and I do love a good bonus/side love story in my life. Many thanks.
kmhappybunny240 chapter 11 . 11/30/2019
Omg I love this
leek812 chapter 11 . 11/30/2019
I loved this. Especially the dots that he connects in terms of Harrision's relationship with Eden, Everly and the rest of the Carlen clan. I'm still not sure Kat is worthy of him because of the way she went after Eva but at least now I know she won't be going away anytime soon. He's in love.

Great addition.
Guest chapter 11 . 11/29/2019
Loved it! You can make it another fic, I would love to read several chapters from his POV!
Jojoboo90 chapter 11 . 11/29/2019
This was such a pleasant surprise! I never expected to love zander so much but I did! The way he idolized eric when he was younger is just adorable and I love the journey hes taken to dauntless
DivergentWitch chapter 11 . 11/29/2019
Awesome Chapter. Wasn't so excited when I read "Zander" at the top but you surprised me there! His views on everything from the life to the people and the environment in Dauntless are genuine,feel realistic and are a joy to read. Excited for the next parts !
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