Reviews for Another Hijishin Fic
Vulpixi Misa chapter 1 . 9/7/2016
I have such a huge smile on my face. Future Shinpachi is such a fox wow.

Also Hijikata's yaoi imaginations had me rolling on the floor and my sister wondering what was up.
Pffft chapter 1 . 12/29/2015
Ahahahahaha that ending tho- I like the way you write Shinpachi coz he doesn't sound all that innocent.
Milwaukee Meg chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
Hi! I absolutely love this and the previous fic! I never really even though about hijishin before reading your fics, but now it's one of my favourite pairings... XD I really hope you'll continue writing fics about Shinpachi! (Oh, and I want to make a rec of this fic on fyeahshipachi tumblr, is it ok with you?)