Reviews for Ad Litteram de Libris, Literally Out of the books
Sol Phyllon chapter 29 . 1/4/2017
I don't know if you'll ever read this, coz I'm a little late... "just" over a year since you finished this story. :) But I want to leave a comment anyway, this fic is exactly what I was looking for!

I'm a fan of OUAT, but I was hesitant to start reading fics to be honest. Till now I've only read The Hobbit fics, and finding that many stories are just about sex, incest (!) and, let me think, SEX, when The Hobbit is about orcs, treasures, dragons and battles, well, I was worried OUAT fics could be a nightmare, just boring and fluffy, with all the romance in there, lol!
Don't get me wrong, I love all their love stories, especially the beautiful relationship between Emma and Hook (Hook is my fave character along with Rumple), but I needed something more. New spells, intriguing plots, good villains, mystery and family.
This fic has all I wanted to read and now I'm more optimistic. I'm sure I will find other stories as good as yours. So thank you.

Things that I really enjoyed:
- It's a Captain Charming story. Great. Hurt!Killian and caring/protective David is what I want to read. Killian Jones has been alone for so long, that it's sweet to see this family taking care of him, protecting him. I really hope to see more of Killian and David relationship in 6B. And if the rumors are true, we'll actually see more of their relationship and bond, with a lot of angst and dark secrets revealed. But I'm sure David will find a way to forgive Killian. Because they'll be united in order to save the woman they both truly love. Epic!
- Morpheus. A very cool and dangerous villain. I always like references to Mediterranean mythologies and latin (I'm italian).
- The structure of the story. Very good, imo. David and Killian in danger and the rest of the gang trying to figure our where they are and how to help them!
- The whole "connecting souls potion" is cool. A brilliant way to make possibile for David to tell Snow where they were. And I liked that David could feel Hook's soul too, his emotions, his pain. I was hoping for that!
- All the scenes in the cave and at the hospital were very good. I liked Dr Whale, you wrote him very well. But I can say the same for all the characters. I felt like I was watching a great finale season (two intense episodes!) Regina was perfect, that "Captain Catnap" made me laugh. It was so Regina.
- And the use of the dreamcatcher as a gift, to keep Killian's nightmares away, was sweet. A nice touch.

What more can I say? I love this story, and if you'll ever write other Captain Charming fics, with lots of hurt and lots of comfort, I'll be there to read them.
Now I'm going to read "The promise I intend to keep", and then "You can take the Boys out of Neverland". I can't wait!

Thank you again! I'm glad to have found your stories.
Guest chapter 29 . 10/10/2016
Brilliant story, well written, exciting, emotive, intricately plotted and great conclusion. Enjoyed every word.
Oxo0827219460oxO chapter 7 . 9/16/2016
the captaincharming
So flawless
This is my favorite story of yours so far :D
Youre an amazing author
sailingships1 chapter 1 . 4/15/2016
I've just finished reading this fic! I also read the two you wrote before and am planning on reading the others you have written. I'm a little late to the show but I love your fics thank you so much for writing them. keep it up
skydoe16 chapter 29 . 1/30/2016
That was great, thank you for sharing your writing with all of us :)
andria chapter 30 . 1/24/2016
yay a new story I look forward to it
JoeNeal chapter 29 . 1/20/2016
I really enjoyed this story very much. Thank you for sharing this brilliant piece of work of yours :-)
Looking forward to seeing more stories from you... :-)
Wild Orchids chapter 29 . 1/18/2016
Truly enjoyed the story. Looking forward to seeing your next :)
walter chapter 29 . 1/17/2016
loved your story! please write the next one could write something when gold takes killians heart out and becomes his puppet!
andria chapter 29 . 1/17/2016
this ending was so perfect I am so bummed it is over and look forward to reading your next story
andria chapter 28 . 1/17/2016
super happy that he is awake and doing much better so bummed this story is almost over
Guest chapter 29 . 1/17/2016
Like the ending with your others stories, this is bittersweet I guess. Everyone is happy and it worked out so that makes me happy but at the same time the story has reached its end. Yet again brilliant story the whole way through just like your other ones. You are a fantastic writer and I can't wait to see what you have planned next :)
Angelfire chapter 29 . 1/17/2016
i thoroughly enjoyed this story.. absolutely brilliant! yor are truly a great writer..hope to see you soon enough..

about story idea.. hook goes on a mission on his jolly roger and gets lost on the way and is then attaked and then he looses his memory
DeanForever chapter 29 . 1/19/2016
Loved the story very much. Thanks.
VVK chapter 29 . 1/17/2016
Perfect ending, liked the friendship between Killian and David! Looking forward to seeing more stories from you :)

How about an completely AU story where Killian and Emma are enemies then they become friends and then lovers... Of course lots of hurt hook in between ;)
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