Reviews for Sated
Krazyasibe chapter 75 . 7/21
I love your story
Inquisitivex90 chapter 75 . 4/20
Simply amazing!
Read this beauty in 1 day!
Thank you for this. I will add this to my favorite stories!
Yappygirl chapter 75 . 4/15
SO excellent. My new favourite post Hunger Games story :D
Inku Eko chapter 75 . 4/4
i read this fanfic in one-go! what a masterpiecethank you for this wonderful story~
superkitty54321 chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
have only read first chapter but already in love
can’t wait to read more
sophie chapter 75 . 4/8/2019
you know when you stumble across a story that just pulls you in and it's just the greatest feeling in the world? that's this one for me. the way you make sense of the world, the way you let your characters express themselves and the tenderness of it all? gut-wrenching. i felt understood. you were saying to me: this is the way it feels to me. and i'm telling you it feels this way to me too. i can't believe you are allowed to be this good at writing. i hope you never stop, please never stop. thank you, i love you and i hope good things happen to you
kateeaton chapter 75 . 5/8/2018
What a wonderful story, I wish there was more to read! Your knowledge of the characters is so clear, you know them perfectly.
kateeaton chapter 39 . 5/5/2018
This is my favorite chapter yet. 'Not with my head spinning and my heart racing.' This is exactly the way I believe Katniss would fall in love with Peeta. Wonderful job.
Guest chapter 75 . 4/17/2018
I binge read the Hunger Games books last week for the first time in years. The series is amazing, but the epilogue in Mockingjay is just so unsatisfying. This was exactly what I needed! Thank you for sharing. Loved this story.
Guest chapter 75 . 4/4/2018
Loved this so much! Couldn't stop reading. The relationship developmen between katniss and peeta is spot on
Guest chapter 55 . 4/2/2018
Their relationship is toxic
Franz chapter 32 . 2/12/2018
Man fuck that! Why would Peeta wait for ever!? Thats so good to make him like ..shit i mean he doesnt need to be with another girl if you are gonna make him so damn patient but to let katniss mess around for so long and then have him a safe option thats stupid
Hartmannclan chapter 75 . 2/8/2018
Lovely story. Binge read it today. Thanks for sharing
Hartmannclan chapter 18 . 2/8/2018
I love the question Katniss asked Haymitch. "Have we saved Peeta?" It got me right between the eyes.
Everlark12319817 chapter 11 . 10/7/2017
the Harry potter line by Dumbledore
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