Reviews for Changes
RedReno16 chapter 1 . 4/1
I wish you would have continued.
Rose Kaylien chapter 1 . 3/12
Wow, wonderful job! It did always seem odd to me that Bruce Wayne of all people would decide to take in a child, but you did a fantastic job showing some insight to his thought process. Thank you for writing!
NoMeImporta32 chapter 1 . 11/7/2017
That was beautiful. I disliked the part where you made all the circus folk out to be pickpockets. Otherwise, it was brilliantly done, especially with the parts with the reporters.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/11/2016
Very good. Excellent characterization!
Freefan1412 chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
Very, very interesting. Bruce never even noticed when Dick got his hooks in him - or why for that matter. This first chapter was very promising as it showed Dick at his lowest point, Bruce there to witness it, which means that he know exactly what Dick is climbing out of after that - he'll be around to see *how* he climbs out and I'm very much looking forward to reading how he gets impressed and more involved and invested and how Dick proves himself as someone *strong*. I hope you are continuing this and haven't given up. :)
Tayashia chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
Awww! The moment Daddy bats was born!
LavenderBlossom74 chapter 1 . 1/15/2016
Gahhhh! You gotta update!
thedancingcrown chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
I have kind of been imagining Dick telling Jason the story XP and now I'm imagining it's Bruce, and he's giving Jason this *look* (with like a little bit of a smile because reasons) when he says "Stealing is wrong", and Jason kind of doesn't know if he should laugh or grin or blush and duck his head or what so he kinda does all of it and then waves at Bruce to go on, all embarrassed, and Bruce is just enjoying being a troll XP
And I'm just imagining him sitting in his study, telling this entire story, sort of looking off to the side half the time, more talking to himself that Jason, and Jay's just sitting there with his feet up listening intently (I really want to draw this whole thing :P). I think you wrote Bruce quite believably, and I love how he's affected by the entire situation, and that he's so concerned and bothered by how he doesn't know *why* it affects him so, because that seems so very *Bruce* to me.
It could just be the way I'm reading it, because I'm in a weird frame of mind over here, but it kind of sounds like he starts off telling the story real seriously, like he's going to relay all the facts, but then he gets a little swept up in the memories, and the story turns to focus a little more on the emotional and that's why he gives so much away, or, says so much aloud...and I'd believe that. Bruce isn't cold and unfeeling at all, and since he's telling the story to family, the way I imagine it here anyway :P I can see him being a little more open. Besides which, he always is when he's talking about his kids, maybe especially Dick.
Basically, I loved all of this, and I'm definitely looking forward to more! :D
Piper1996 chapter 1 . 1/4/2016
Cant wait for a more, but looking at dates for other stories you have ill have t be paitient
TheBlondeBullet chapter 1 . 12/13/2015
Ahhhh! It's finally here! Yayyy! I can't tell you how excited I was to find this on your page!
I personally thought you wrote Bruce wonderfully. I know from experience that he can be a bitch to write, simply because he's so analytical and stoic and at times robotic. I've noticed lots of people, for this reason, tend to write him waaay out of character, or give him a catalyst early on to, I don't know, warm the cockles of his heart, and it's just not Bruce/Batman that the comics give us. I'm a purist, and honestly, reading him out of character like that hurts my soul just a little bit. But you did him justice (haha-cuz it's Batman...Justice...get it? he he...). What he gave away was just enough to show the effect that Dick had on him while still maintaining some of his cold exterior (cuz he's special like that, and no one can just NOT love Dick Grayson), and while I know you argue that there is really no logical reason for Bruce to adopt Dick, this is it. Grayson is special, and despite you arguing that Bruce wouldn't just adopt him because he felt a 'connection', I would say Dick's gregarious nature supersedes that. Just a little bit :) Don't worry, you got Bruce's curmudgeonly self down.
Also, super excited for the coming chapters- I figured it'd be a long one shot, but multiple chapters? You definitely know the way to my heart ;) Can't wait for both this and Loyalty (which yes, was supposed to come in October, but I can be patient, I swear. Just so long as we eventually get down to the deviousness that wrapped up in Fragility. Because honestly, I'm on the edge of my seat here waiting to find out what that was all about). Update soon, pretty please with plot bunnies and crack for the muse on top!
And thank you again for making a simple suggestion into an amazing ride :)
ARL15 chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
I like this so far! It was nice seeing the inner feelings Bruce has since he carries such a cold demeanor. I thought it was so sweet how he didn't understand the instant connection he had with Dickie. Also, Bruce telling Vicki Vale off throughout this to protect Dick was one of my favorite parts! Please continue.
VoicesOffCamera chapter 1 . 12/2/2015
YAY! I am geeking out right now, so excited to finally see Bruce's point of view with this story. I think you captured his voice quite well, which I know is really challenging, so kudos to you. I loved the detail that Bruce overrated when Dick tried to pick his pocket because of how off guard he had been taken by how close Dick had gotten without him noticing. I think that alludes beautifully to how Dick's skills are going to translate into him becoming Batman's sidekick. (Also reminds of the version of Jason's story where he meets Batman while he's stealing the tires of the Batmobile, haha).

The only little thing that tripped me up was right after the Fall when he's trying to keep Viki from interviewing Dick, how did Bruce know that Dick had just lost his entire family? Since Dick wasn't in the show that night, it would stand to reason that he wouldn't even know his connection to the acrobats immediately. And even if Dick's reaction gave it away, how would Bruce know that he didn't have any extended family? This is all just nitpicking though, I have a habit of doing that, haha.

I think you cover the connection between Bruce and Dick quite beautifully. I love how Bruce just can't put into words why he feels drawn to Dick. Because obviously as Batman, this is not the first tragedy he's witnessed. Ah, I just can't get enough of this! It's my favorite! I can't wait to see Bruce's reaction when he finds Dick starting to fight crime! I hope to see an update soon! :)
Goingdownwithmyshipz chapter 1 . 12/1/2015
This was fantastic I think you did an amazing job capturing who Bruce is and it's great to see things from his prospective! Fantastic job and I can't wait to see more from you!
CostumeChick chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
Love it! Can't wait for the next chapter.