Reviews for Spirit Animal Shenanigans
Guest chapter 31 . 5/1/2019
Ok so I know it’s been 2 yeah but HOLY SHIT I LOVE THIS! I’m begging you wherever you are to update this, please please,it stopped on a cliffhanger and gahhh! I’m so infested into this story but it just abruptly stopped 2 years ago!im begging you see this and finish the story
Guest chapter 22 . 3/14/2017
Fiction MA is not allowed on this site. Check the Rules and Guidelines page: Above the rating box in red. (www dot fanfiction dot net / guidelines /)

If you wish to keep this here you will have to tone this down to fit within the Fiction M rating. Fiction M can have sex implied or a brief non-descriptive moment between the characters. You cannot describe penetration, foreplay, oral or masturbation for that falls under Fiction MA.

If you find the rules here unfavorable, or just want to host the original version on a site where it won't be reported, you can move this to a site that allows MA content such as Archive of Our Own, Wattpad, DeviantArt and YaoiGallery.

Please remember to respect the site's rules from now on. They are there for a reason after all. Your story isn't the only thing at risk of removal. Your account could be suspended or deleted too. Doesn't always occur, but it does happen from time to time depending on what the admins decide. Better safe than sorry later.

P.S. Romano and Veneziano aren't twins. Romano has been confirmed in canon to be 2 years older than Veneziano.
maryranstadler1 chapter 31 . 3/14/2017
I love this story and I'm so glad for a new chapter! I love how Elizabeta is woth Feli and Lovino.
Kittyamber chapter 1 . 9/25/2016
I just came by to say that I really enjoy your story and that I think you are a great writer. I love how the amount of humour and sweet moments are well balanced but everything still has an air of seriousness even when they are distracted. I laugh every time someone cracks a joke and I enjoyed every moment of their journey so far, so I do hope you will update soon.

From your author's notes I can tell you are a generally nice person and I wish for you to continue to be so.

Remember that I need my daily dose of Gerita and I hope you have a nice day.
APDubtalia chapter 30 . 8/17/2016
Glad to see you again!

Romulus giving commands to a well thought plan shows he can take it seriously when needed. With the sex on the side for later. Oh ho ho!

And RIP Roderich
APDubtalia chapter 29 . 7/9/2016
The lovely ladies are here! And ready to kick ass and possibly beat someone for putting Feli in danger!
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 29 . 6/27/2016
Yay I am so happy that you finally got around to posting this, its so weird, so much time has passed. I've watched most of Homestuck since I last read this.
Oh yeah, Germany really is super pretty. It has the best air of any country I have ever been to, and that's saying something. I love old history too, when I made my OC I spent over a year studying the history around her so that I could make something accurate, and then I spent months trying to blend that history into her characteristics and personality.
APDubtalia chapter 28 . 4/28/2016
Don't worry, Roddy. All you got to do is tell her what happened and she will come right over to protect the boys with her frying pan!

It's a good plan! 8D
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 28 . 4/28/2016
I don't really have a 'favourite thing'. But I do have a favourite country. Anything and everything about Germany I will want to know. Its probably ridiculous, but I was born and raised in England, whilst my mum was born and raised in West Germany. Modt of my family do feel a very deep, special connection to Germany as a result, and so anytime I can I will try and learn something about the country. I've been there 3 years in a row, and when I go this year it will be my 4th year in a row (But the 5th time altogether)
maryranstadler1 chapter 28 . 4/27/2016
Lol you're right Gilbert would do something dumb. Hehe i love the stuff between Alrich and Romulus. I can just see that stare down with them. And leave it to Gilbert to make a comment like that! Lol
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 27 . 4/27/2016
But yeah, these are far more like the characters we see in the show, but its better to know just in case. Europe is fun, but at the same time its boring.
maryranstadler1 chapter 27 . 4/26/2016
Omg this was such a cute chapter! I love the part with Alrich and the hickeys lol and the spoons with Gilbert. Hehe
APDubtalia chapter 26 . 3/28/2016
Rome has some very 'interesting' kinks. Midfall sex, dear god. XD
SuperChocolateLovers chapter 26 . 3/22/2016
As A European who:
1. Travels a lot
2. Is quite politically knowledgeable when it comes to the EU
and 3. Has friends and relatives all around the continent
I can say that, although this is rather funny, right now everyone is more wary about everything than actually bothering to fight about anything anymore. After those attacks in Paris, and the almost constant threats against Germany and Italy we're all too interlinked to be hateful right now. I don't think we're outwardly worried in my country, after all we have been upping our game in the anti-terrorism sector.
But honestly, none of that has anything to do with that fanfic and I really do love the way you play the characters.
maryranstadler1 chapter 26 . 3/22/2016
Lol I love that! They all have a crazy part! Hehe awesome chapter. I love how Romulus and Aldrich joined in
Lol and Gilbert with the water. Lol
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