Reviews for Soulmate Tattoos
Almoneda chapter 4 . 1/1
I hate Riley sm
kris chapter 6 . 4/5/2019 is a dramatic, self conceded bitch and no one points it out?
TheBirdSamurai chapter 14 . 11/23/2018
Wait what happens if the soulmate's name is extremely long, like Crysanthemum or something like that. That'd be one hell of a burn if it came at once. You could probably wear it like a bracelet lol.

P.S. Couldn't be bothered to login but had to say this.
Bookworm1611 chapter 7 . 4/10/2018
You tell 'em girl. Kudos to you
Lucayalover92 chapter 12 . 10/1/2017
Gavin and Riley sitting on a tre G
friarhartchild chapter 4 . 9/24/2017
riley is so annoying
Noora Fabray chapter 6 . 9/14/2017
This chapter was just copied from GMW:(
Anonymous chapter 22 . 8/28/2017
I love this story. Make a sequel!
Lyla chapter 12 . 6/18/2017
Roses-R-Rosie chapter 22 . 5/21/2017
Oh. My. Gosh!
I absolutely love, love, LOVED it! That was amazing, finally a /good/ Lucaya author. I was blown away. I especially enjoyed your potrayalpotrayal Riley and your views of rude comments.
I thought I was the only one wo noticed how mean or prideful Riley can be sometimes. Everyone seems to think she's a perfect angel who can't sin. At all.

Thank you so much!

I would also like to ask if you would consider a Lucaya story that shows more of Maya's bad side. I felt like she was too unrealistic about her past/dark side.
I don't think it's Sabrina's fault though,she's a fantastic actress. I blame the writers.

Crushcrush12 chapter 22 . 4/24/2017
No lo sé. Pensé que sería mas enfocado en Lucas y Maya. Ese momento de drama al descubrir el tatuaje del otro. Fue incluso tal vez mas enfocado en Riley. Pero me gusto y al ser la primera historia que leo con el tema de los tatuajes debo decir que fue muy emocionante y me encantó. :3
Crushcrush12 chapter 18 . 4/24/2017
Crushcrush12 chapter 16 . 4/24/2017
Eso fue muy hermoso. Y ver el nombre de Shawn que poco a poco aparece en la la muñeca de ella es conmovedor. Al parecer los tatuajes de alma gemela pueden cambiar c; ya quiero que Maya le muestre a Lucas el tatuaje de ella TTTuTTT
Skull De Mort O.o chapter 22 . 4/9/2017
Hot damn that was awesome-ly dramatic!
DoctorX1979 chapter 12 . 3/27/2017
Gavin...We've just been introduced to Riley's Soul Mate haven't we?
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