Reviews for We Endure
anlmoon chapter 1 . 2/4/2016
i think it would be cool too great job. in all honesty, vegeta should tried to help gohan since vegeta knew him for awhile and they both suffer the lost of goku
Ky111 chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
Great start and I hope you'll continue from here, hopefully with Gohan continuing to train with Vegeta and Piccolo, so he can continue to improve and get stronger so he can continue to protect those he cares about as well as the planet (to protect has always been Gohan's main motivation when it came to training and finding out he's going to be a big brother would only increase that drive in order to protect his younger sibling and it doesn't hurt that he does enjoy training due to his Saiyan blood and Goku's influence).

cara9001 chapter 1 . 11/26/2015
Wonderful story!