Reviews for Dark Magic
Julesie chapter 9 . 11/28/2018
This is such an amazing and unique story. I love anything relating to the paranormal and I'm so sad that this story is unfinished. I was so looking forward to seeing what Naraki is really about - I have my suspicions- and if he'll ever get to talk to Yugi about all of this.

Ryou is absolutely adorable! I hope one day he manages to be more than just in a bottle.

I hope by some chance you end up posting the next chapter even though you last updated over 2 years ago. A wonderful read!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
This was a very intriguing start and just grabbed my attention till the end. Your writing is great and it just flows so easily. Loved your characters' portrayal and can't wait to read the rest!
amaiyu chapter 9 . 4/20/2017
This fic sent chills down my spine... Read it all in one sitting. I was really taken back by the quality of your writing! Did not expect something so wonderfully written hidden among the ygo fics I've been browsing. Truly a hidden gem. Extremely intricate and well thought out world you've set up here. I LOVE the eeriness of the story; it kept me on my toes this whole time. I'll definitely be checking out your other fics. Thanks so much for writing!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/15/2016
Thank you for the new chapter! This one was really good. (So were the others, but this one is newer so I like it better.) I can't wait to find out what's in the basement! Good luck with the next chapter!
TsubasaKEI chapter 9 . 9/11/2016
Uuuu yeesh an update!
Always awaits this story to update

Keep writing!
dratsing chapter 1 . 7/18/2016
Ack, last review cut off. Love this! Looking forward to reading more.
dratsing chapter 8 . 7/18/2016
3 this
TheCartoonusMaximus chapter 8 . 5/12/2016
Hikari is so cute! I'm so glad Bakura managed to take him out the house, at least for a little bit.

Though apparently Hikari needs to keep better track on Bakura, if that's how he wants to spend his time.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/12/2016
I love your story! The interaction between little wispy (Ryou) and Bakura is so funny and heart warming. When are you going to give Ryou a body of is he going to be a ghost like Yami Bakura in the series? Please make it tendershipping! It will be nice to read Bakura having to go through these different emotions and figuring it out that he loves Ryou. Please please update as soon as you can! XOXOXOXXX
Tairulz chapter 8 . 5/10/2016
Wow, this chapter was really good, i can't wait to read more :)
Zoodan21 chapter 8 . 5/10/2016
Oh this story is super exiting! I really like the suspense and mystery that you portray and that the student Ryou is in a coma (do i remember correct?), it makes me look forward to next chapter even more and to get to know the full length of Bakura's powers! :3
Guest chapter 8 . 5/10/2016
Great chapter. :)
Guest chapter 7 . 5/10/2016
Great chapter
Guest chapter 6 . 5/9/2016
Good chappter.
Guest chapter 5 . 5/9/2016
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