Reviews for Bleached Existence
Tomyallen chapter 22 . 10/2/2019
I figure given how long this story has been out that you aren't actually going to continue it...which is sad but it at least had a rather satisfying ending.
Tomyallen chapter 21 . 10/2/2019
Honestly the story would have been fine ending right there. It was a nice chapter though. Of course everyone is happy to have Ichigo back and he's happy that Akira is still alive. It was a good way to tie things off by giving him a captaincy over a new now he and Shinji get to live together.
Tomyallen chapter 20 . 10/1/2019
Overall this battle was okay. It did feel rushed a bit and I dont feel like Ichigo would just announce that they do 'one final attack' like that. Something like that is typically more spontaneous in reaction to the pace of the battle. But overall it was okay.
Tomyallen chapter 19 . 10/1/2019
Cant blame you for hating the Quincy arc...I think that almost a universal sentiment in the fandom. As for thos chapter...its nice to see Gin back and for now in good graces. And ohhh Ichigo finally spilled the beans on the bandages...he's going to mop the floor with the Quincy.
Tomyallen chapter 18 . 10/1/2019
You certainly enjoy changing the pace of the story...from awesome batteles or gruesome beat downs to steamy scenes between couples. It works well though. Ichigo getting angry wont end well for whoever's started it lol.
Tomyallen chapter 17 . 10/1/2019
A nice savage chapter to change up the pace. Ichigo wasnt tolerating any bullshit. Very well done.
Tomyallen chapter 16 . 10/1/2019
Bit of a filler overall but it covers some gaps in terms of what happens to everyone post war. Shinji isn't too pleased though and obviously Heuco Mundo being sealed isn't pleasing anyone.
Tomyallen chapter 15 . 10/1/2019
Lol I forgot about that 'hulk' smash moment. Genuinely funny. The rest of the battle was a proper smack down for Aizen and I loved it. I also have a long love for no problem with Ichigo essentially being one.
Tomyallen chapter 14 . 10/1/2019
You did a good job with the battles here. Enough information to visualize what was going on but at the same time you didn't drag it out either. And there we have it...Ichigo is is full loose canon mode...Aizen is done for. While these scenes can be pretty brutal I get a sense of satisfaction for what happens to Aizen and his followers...wonderful Karma.
Tomyallen chapter 13 . 10/1/2019
I still really enjoy the pacing for this chapter as well. We finally get to see Fisher get literally blown apart. Ichigo is a bit unhinged right now and its surprising he's holding back as much as he is. Overall very well done and of course immensely looking forward to the fighting.
Tomyallen chapter 12 . 10/1/2019
Ohhh...Angry Ichigo is a beast with no fucks to give. Grand Fisher is going to get his due...and eventually Aizen will follow. Looking forward to it.
Tomyallen chapter 10 . 10/1/2019
So these last 2 chapters were pretty good as well. Ichigo communicating with the Sokyoku was a nice touch. And finally Karin and Chad...and goofy Isshins back!
Tomyallen chapter 8 . 10/1/2019
This chapter was just so much fun lol...Ichigo had an absolute blast wreaking havoc. And of course the Karakura group got to do a little growing while they were at it.
Tomyallen chapter 7 . 10/1/2019
Was that question supposed to be rhetorical Ichigo? Lol of course Kenny wants to fight...that's his sole purpose in life. I can appreciate the adjustments to canon in this one...its smooth enough to not bother me. Good job.
Tomyallen chapter 6 . 10/1/2019
I really enjoyed the pacing of this chapter. It really gets the plot going with a bunch of shorter chapters but it doesn't feel like its jumping around or rushed.

Plus Karin getting her own shinigami powers is awesome. And Ichigo catching Kisuke off guard is always great.
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