Reviews for into your gravity
prevostsasha9 chapter 19 . 9/2
Update please?
KlonnieBaby chapter 19 . 8/26
Is this story over because I love this story and I want to see what happens next
amg.supernatural chapter 19 . 8/9
Awesome read!Looking forward to future updates!
thepictureof chapter 19 . 6/11
after binge-reading this entire fic in a ridiculously short time period, i’m absolutely obsessed! if you ever decide to revisit this, you’ll definitely have readers :’) hope all is well!
Guest chapter 19 . 3/19
I’m real late too the TVD and OT party. Most fics I read were made like 5 years ago but still I binge read everything. I normally don’t comment but I have to if the fic sends me through the roof and honeyyyyy this fic has me up late and everything. You probs won’t ever see this but by chance you do just know I love love love love this fic. Klonnie was never my top ship but I have to re evaluate now! I read the author notes on each chapter and I hope when you look back you can be proud of the work you produced. Truly, a great mix of adventure and love. You have so much talent.
TwilightAddict37 chapter 1 . 1/20
I love it. It's refreshing and I love Bonnie and the Originals, so you've got my interest peaked. Im looking forward to the rest. Thanks for sharing.
twibe chapter 19 . 12/20/2019
Oh how sad to see you haven't updated in so long ,, I love this story and Bonnie's powers
xxxLeanniexxx chapter 19 . 11/21/2019
What will Bonnie do? Not loving Alexander to be honest!
ebsrenee chapter 19 . 10/22/2019
Lovely update
Richonnelover1941 chapter 19 . 10/3/2019
well i can't stand Alex, there is something about him I don't like. Maybe it is the way that he is so insecure and having to keep telling people he is her boyfriend or the way he has to keep saying that he loves her, I don't know but I don't want to have to suffer him for too much longer. I am glad that Klaus and Bonnie had time to talk and that was so badass that she teleported them both. I love Freya and her comment about Bonnie's other boyfriend that was too funny. I love that she still always got her back. I wonder if Bonnie helped get D. back that would be cool. I also don't want to suffer Tyler and his and Klaus' shit too much either cause I had enough of that on the show and I really like Bonnie in the originals universe without the MF gang around too much. I mean I guess I can tolerate Caroline better than any of the rest but I really want to see how Bonnie and Klaus can repair this relationship since for now things have died down and family issues can be handled now. This and the one before haven't been bad chapter updates. But I just need closure and movement with Klonnie plus there are some other things that need to be resolved like where is Rebekah and will Hayley get with Elijah and now that everyone got their memories back will Stefan and Caroline get back together?

thanks for the update and I do hope that you will be able to update on a regular basis. thank you
Richonnelover1941 chapter 18 . 10/3/2019
i have to say that i was so glad that it didn't take too long for everyone to get their memories back but not I am bummed out cause now we have to go through Bonnie being all im a terrible person for loving Klaus and he is a monster and I will leave and never come back bullshit. I mean damn...seriously now we have to go through all of this, its like going 50 paces forward and 60 back...I just hope it doesn't take too long cause this would get boring and stagnant and this is supposed to be a Klonnie love lets get to the love already!
Richonnelover1941 chapter 15 . 10/3/2019
Of course Klaus didn't think about the fact that if Bonnie didn't remember the white oak then she wouldn't keep it away from people cause there would be no reason for her to use magic to keep it hidden. I knew or had a feeling that Hope would be the one to cause someone to remember or that she would just because she is a strong hybrid witch baby and she loved Bonnie. I hope we don't have to go through this too much longer before everyone know the truth. and I am very happy that you didn't time lapse 3 years, 6 months was enough...I feel kike this is just such a waste of time that they have to get to know each other again or they have to get their memories back. But maybe Freya will be next and she can do a spell, I was hoping that Bonnie would do something since she is so powerful and break the spell. I do kind of like that Caroline and Tyler are there, but I bet the reason she and Stefan are feeling weird is because of the spell. I really want Bonnie and Klaus back on the same page even if she is mad with him and the whole nine.
Richonnelover1941 chapter 14 . 10/3/2019
Well that was shitty and it was wrong on so many levels. I can't believe he did that and that Lucy was in on it, well I can but it sucks that she knows that she didn't want people making decisions for her and this is what happens. Okay so I feel like this was like clink bait in the fact that they just got together and on the same page and were letting go of the bond is the only reason thing and the we were enemies and there was so much that she learned and did and the bonds that she made, not just with him for all of it to be gone, almost if it was turned into a dream and it never happened. This is the shit that happened with Lucy and Aya and it backfired. I feel like my emotions have been played on. Like here have thing and then it is taken, like pysch, I was only playing. Now what? do we have to rehash her feelings for Damon? Or her to go back to be less than what she is or meant to be? or that she will Be at Elena's beck and call again? I am not happy with this and I don't know how this can be made right! I mean it really sucks, sucks for Klaus to have to live with this heavy decision on his back and sucks for the people that can't remember their interactions with Bonnie and of course Bonnie since she is in love with him and now she won't know that and she will be living not in her true self and that really sucks and what if someone finds her and knows the truth but she doesn't and they mean her harm then she is at a disadvantage. What a piece of shit...And now, when she does remember we have to go through this shit again with her not trusting him and her hating him and all the angst of knowing what she has to find out...DAMN
Richonnelover1941 chapter 13 . 10/3/2019
I hope they , her in particular, can get past the bond and admit that they really do have having feelings for each other and they are true and strong. I'm not sure if I am on board with Lucy calling Klaus and telling him what she did. I think there is so much more that she doesn't know and it is what is supposed to happen.
Richonnelover1941 chapter 12 . 10/2/2019
Okay so I am glad that she let Lucy know that she knew and that she got her power back. I love the origin of the expression and that it was really for her which means she should be able to control it, but she needs more practice. I loved her and Hayley fighting and going all warrior sisters...LOL And I liked Kol's interaction with her, I mean he has to be tahnkful of her but also still pissed and he needs to get to know her. I am not sure if the warning was sarcastic or meaning beware of him or others so we will see. The sad thing about this is that as powerful as the Bennett line is, there are not many at all left but them 2 so what the hell? I think they need some more babies, so maybe Klaus and Bonnie can make a few that are witches to keep the line going. So I see that Klaus is taking a lot of blood from her but is she taking any from him cause that would make their bond stronger, so I am curious about that. I wish they would find the white oak bullets already, I hate it being out there like that. I think they need to let go of the prophecy. The more people try to stop a prophecy the more they make it come true so it is their own undoing so it is best to leave it alone. I want Klaus and Bonnie to really get into their feelings and open up about it and let everyone know that they are together. I am tired of the uncertainty and maybe they will maybe they won't type of deal. And why did he read the letter? She is going to be pissed.
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