Reviews for Prism Ring
InCK chapter 10 . 6/24
please update this story!
mdhunter111 chapter 5 . 3/6/2019
Pretty good fanfic. Love the part where space elf is caught with the Master Ball. Hilarious! Looking forward to the next chapter, and have a great day. :)
Multipule-Characters1-Acct chapter 5 . 9/19/2017
Anything with Sans from Undertale. You had a Iorn Man boss. Have a 'I will use the mechanics of your powers against you' boss. And, creepypastas would also make an exilent addition.
meri47 chapter 1 . 12/24/2015
I read this on the spacebattles forum first, and I must say that I like the sound of it. It does work better in the spacebattles format, at least in my opinion- the ability to change the color of the text is quite helpful.

I look forward to reading more of this, and I hope you update soon!
phantom-jedi1 chapter 1 . 11/18/2015
-dies laughing-

And that's about all I have to say. Thanks for the awesome!