Reviews for It Takes Two
Natali Rempel Drews chapter 69 . 7/7
I loved, I need more!
Rebeclyn67 chapter 57 . 5/20
Tony is right handed. McGee is left handed.
madcloisfan chapter 69 . 1/24/2019
Loved it
piakat04 chapter 69 . 1/5/2019
I am so glad Ziva's home! I can imagine how much she just wants to forget it and move forward with her family. I am curious how Eli will be once he sees his daughter as a mother and wife instead of a soldier. Will he accept this new version of her? Will Ziva accept him into her, and her family's life? I am very happy you updated this. I know you said this does not mean it would be a regular thing, but I do look forward to the next one. Whenever that happens.
abrant554 chapter 69 . 1/5/2019
Thank you for the update. Anxiously awaiting completion as I have to start over.
Sue Dooley chapter 69 . 12/26/2018
Fabulous chapter. Ziva is home. She will need time and space to heel. Tiva forever.
Debbie chapter 69 . 12/22/2018
Yes l love the way you are writing about Ziva and the after effects of what happened to her while she was held by Malachi. I agree the show should have had Ziva dealing with her feelings after her rescue from Somalia. Looking forward to the next chapter.
carlota206 chapter 69 . 12/21/2018
I honestly think Ziva would react as you described in this chapter. amazing writing.
Guest chapter 68 . 5/1/2018
I just read all 68 chapters in less than 3 days. And it stops there!? Oh so cruel. Lol. I do hope you'll finish this. I've enjoyed it.
slexieotpforever chapter 57 . 8/1/2017
He's most definitely right-handed. McGee's left-handed.
slexieotpforever chapter 37 . 7/31/2017
Just a really tiny correction: it's the Marine Corps, not Marine Core.
slexieotpforever chapter 7 . 7/30/2017
Just another little notice I got as I reread this story (because as I said before, I love your stories to bits). Ziva, again, seems a little OOC, and it's nothing big, just something I pay attention to 'cause I'm big on writing fictional characters realisticly to their portrayal in the show - while Tony and McGee both do call Gibbs "boss," Ziva never does. She always calls him Gibbs, sp it just seems a little odd to see her call him "boss" so many times in this story. Sorry, it's just something that stands out to me and I thought I'd give a little constructive cristicism. Hope you don't mind.
slexieotpforever chapter 17 . 7/27/2017
I really love this story (as I do all of them 'cause I am obsessed with all your stories - unashamedly, I've read them all more than once 'cause I'm kinda Tiva trash)! The only thing of the entire 60-chapter story that bothers me though, is this chapter. I mean, I'm sorry, I LOVE your writing, but I just really feel like you made Ziva and Tony very OOC in this chapter - especially Ziva, because there is absolutely no way she would just hide in a closet and cry as someone stormed her house (or safe house, in this instant). There's just no way. Pregnant or not, she would tell Tony to hide with the kids, and would fight the threat herself, guns blazing. I love your story and I love your writing, but I just really CANNOT imagine something like this happening and it just really bothers me. I hope you don't take this the wrong way - like I said, I love your story. I'm just really attentive when it comes to writing my favorite characters realisticly and staying true to them, so I hope you'll see this as a bit of constructive criticism, that's all. Anyway, I can't wait to read the next chapter!
Denise3130 chapter 68 . 7/23/2017
Fantastic chapter! Who took out Malachi? Was it Director David since he disappeared, Mike or Gibbs? It certainly wasn't Tony, he was too busy being the distraction needed to pull this off :)

Hopefully Ziva's going home with her real husband now.

Update soon...can't wait to read the rest !
Sue Dooley chapter 68 . 7/21/2017
Fabulous chapter! Gibbs sniper shot or Mike? Love your stories. Tiva forever.
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